Pillar Chase 2 Wiki

A monster really does exist here..
— Last Survivor Standing (Unseen for survivors)
Shouldn't have went in that mansion..
— Death Quote

Ao Oni (Stylized as Aooni in Japanese) is the third monster added in Pillar Chase 2 after Rosemary. It is a species of man-eating, blueberry-colored giants who act as the main, titular threats found across the Ao Oni series, beginning as a freeware, horror RPG Maker game of the same name, created by noprops from 2008 to 2011. He[1] can be bought for 1250 Coins at the shop, (previously 1250 before the Vita Mimic update, then 1150 before the Fuwatti update, and then 1400 before the Black Friday update ended.)


Ao Oni is a blueberry-colored giant with a distorted and wrinkled humanoid face on an oversized head. Said face is equipped with two massive bulging eyes, with one of these eyes having a much more slacked eyelid than the other. Ao Oni's chin slims down considerably when compared to the rest of his head. It has a small, slim mouth with lips that extend downwards further than its chin. Its body is short and thin, yet somewhat chubby and wrinkled. Its arms are disproportionately extended and reach down to its kneecaps at finger length. Each hand features four fingers total. Ao Oni has two short and stocky legs to support its unorthodox build, with its feet ending in the same number of digits as its hands. When in kill animation, its head scrunches, revealing its teeth and its eyes squints, giving its face a distorted look.

While Ao Oni's head is closer to his usual depiction in games, his skinnier body, hunchback position and mannerisms are similar to his appearance in the live action Ao Oni movies.


Ao Oni has 21 Sprint Speed, 100 Stamina and 40 DMG per hit. Their sprint speed and stamina pool are like that of the player's but require good timing and distance control. Ao Oni has two abilities, Oni Vision and Shapeshift.

Keybind Name Ability Description Effect
Passive Purple Border
When Ao Oni is the chosen monster, the bar that shows every current player gains a purple border and will not change colors, disguising who has died and who has not. In addition, no last survivor standing quote will be shown. (As of the Black Friday update, it no longer shows who's Ao Oni) Blocks knowledge of player death, allows for easier disguising.
M1 M1
Ao Oni perfoms a downward slap, dealing 40 damage and having impressive range courtesy of Oni's long arms. Deals damage to players.
1 Oni Vision
When pressing 1, Ao Oni will highlight all living players in red, briefly darkening the map. While using Oni vision, the player will quickly regain stamina and can freely run and attack. This ability lasts for 4 seconds, and a cooldown of 12 seconds begins once the effect ends. Highlights players and regenerates stamina.
2 Shapeshift
When pressing 2, Ao Oni can choose to turn into any player on the map for a long duration of time represented by the purple bar on the bottom of the screen. When shapeshifted, Ao Oni's speed will switch to 24 instead of 21, their stamina drain will be decreased, and can press F to pull out a fake flashlight. If they attack during this state, they will turn back into Ao Oni in an explosion of purple sludge, and the effects from Shapeshift will be removed. This move has a cooldown of 25 seconds. Disguises as/fools other players.

Double Trouble Interactions[]

Interacting With Name Ability Description Effect
Fuwatti Grab & Throw
Ao Oni is able to pick up Fuwatti in Double Trouble by holding E on him, being able to run around and use Oni Vision while holding him. If E/M1 is pressed again, Ao Oni will throw Fuwatti forward a large distance and deal 85 damage to any players hit. Carry around Fuwatti and throw him, acting as a more situational version of Silly Rush.


Audio Audio Description Audio Information
*Breathing and heartbeats* Plays while idle.
*Drum hit followed

by audio stinger*

Plays during the


*Ambience* Plays during the


*Shwoosh* Plays during a M1
*splash* *squelch* Plays when you Shapeshift.
*Ambience* Plays While Shapeshifted.
*splash* *screech* Plays when you exit the Shapeshift.
*Splashy footstep* Plays while moving.

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
TBA *munch* Plays during a M1
TBA *Aggresive munching sounds* Plays when killing players.

Other Information[]

Beastiary Entry:

"Beastiary Entry will be added when released"


When you die to Ao Oni, he will say:
"Shouldn't have went in that mansion.."
The color of this message is light blue.


These quotes are only seen by Ao Oni when it becomes Last Survivor Standing.

A monster really does exist here..
— Last Survivor Standing
You are a intruder and you will perish.
— Last Survivor Standing
Hiding won't save you, for I can see you.
— Last Survivor Standing
Can you really trust those around you?
— Last Survivor Standing

"Out of the way, blue demon."
Valem commenting on Ao Oni
"Sloppy execution, blue demon."
Valem commenting on Ao Oni
"Are you one of us?"
Valem commenting on Ao Oni
"Shapeshifter, why as humans?"
Valem commenting on Ao Oni


  • Ao Oni is the first monster added to the shop that costs coins.
  • Despite having a last survivor standing text confirmed, said text goes unused due to it disrupting its playstyle of disguising as other players.
  • In the original game, Ao Oni's main ability was to transform anything it killed into an Oni (The only difference from the original Ao Oni was that the transformed Oni retained their hair).
  • Ao Oni's last player standing line "A monster really does exist here" is a reference to how in Ao Oni, the main character doesn't believe in monsters before he meets the titular Oni.
  • Ao Oni used to have the cheapest cost for a monster that costs coins, which was 1150 coins.
  • Ao Oni's color is a light blue, however, it tends to be mistaken for purple due to lighter colors being perceived as warmer by a person's eyes.
  • Ao Oni's chase theme is a remix of the original Ao Oni's chase theme from their original game.
  • Ao Oni is one of the few monsters whose skins effect certain elements of gameplay including Niloticus ' Legendary skins changing the acidic puddles' color. (Notably the colored overlay that's applied when using Oni Vision, and the effects when entering and exiting Shapeshift.)
  • Ao Oni was going to get replaced by Cito Oni, a retake of Ao Oni made for Pillar Chase 2, similar to Inkfell. The reason of this is that the developers didn't want to risk getting a copyright strike on Ao Oni.
    • With Ao Oni's icon being part of his render now, Cito Oni's icons only being released recently, the public downvoting whether or not Cito Oni should be released[2], and the Cito version of Fuwatti being scrapped, Ao Oni being replaced is off the table, and Cito Oni became the free skin instead.
  • Ao Oni is the first monster to feature the player using it, by simply transforming from the player to its original appearance.
    • The second to do this is Vita Mimic, eating the player during the intro.
    • Third to do this is PCX, having the players head on a wooden spike during the intro.
    • You could also count Zombie as a fourth.
  • Ao Oni, along with WYST, is used as a placeholder for images such as models, attacks, etc.
  • When using Shapeshift, Ao Oni will always use the default walking animation, even if the player they're disguised as has a different walking animation equipped.
  • Ao Oni is one of the 6 monsters with a space in its name. The other 5 being Uncle Samsonite, The Fogborn, The Forest King, Vita Mimic, and Jeffery Woods.
  • Ao Oni had the most emoji's in the Pillar Chase Discord server, at 6. But now Baldi has more emojis, with 7.
  • Ao Oni's Last Survivor Standing messages are only visible to him, and not for survivors.
  • Ao Oni is the only monster to have 2 different default skins.
  • Ao Oni is the first character to receive a skin that has new attack and kill animations.
    • The second character to get new attack and kill animations with a skin is Jeffrey Woods.


In-game Monsters VaporIcon28102024 Vapor · RoseiconRosemary· BaldiIcon2 Baldi · OniIcon2 Ao Oni · Image 2024-10-28 162735954The Fogborn· EXEIconv3 EXE · NewSamIcon Uncle Samsonite· SpringrapiconSpringtrap· MxnewiconMX· ForestKingIcon2The Forest King · NiloticusNewIcon Niloticus · WYSTIcon WYST · NewmicVita Mimic · FuwaIcon Fuwatti · InkfellIngameIcon Inkfell PillarXIcon 3 PCX · JeffIcon 2 Jeffrey Woods · ValemIcon2 Valem · ZombiefaceZombie
Upcoming Monsters Slendering my tubby Stricken · Newdawg The Dog · A01tempicon A01 · Artelurr zoomed2 Artelurr · Lamb placeholder 2 The Lamb · SlenderIcon Slenderman · ServantGruntIconM Servant Grunt · GorefieldIconPlaceholder Gorefield · KrasueIconM Krasue · WitchIconM The Witch · SuitmationIcon Suitmations · SmileDogIconM Smile Dog · Mother Icon Mother · ClockworkKeeperPlaceholderIcon The Clockwork Keeper · Probably PhantoVenators Icon Phantovenator · Placeholdericonforshadow Shadowborne · Palunofficalicon2 Pal Percy · Tempicon Tricky The Clown
Unconfirmed Monsters The Host Icon The Host Of Influence · Sin placeholder icon Sin · Deerclopsunofficalicon Deerclops · Monsterunofficalicon Monster · HerTempIcon HER
Scrapped Monsters SirenTease Siren Head · MichaelIconM Michael Davies · Woof icon Fallen Wolf
Developer Monsters S1n placeholder icon SINWRATH · Asset423 Icon Asset-423 · Loona & Sunny Placeholder Icon Loona & Sunny · ScribblePlaceholderIcon Scribble · Placeholder Kansen Icon Kansen · GrimbearIcon Grimbear
  1. Ao Oni is referred to with he/him pronouns by the developers, but in the official series, Ao Oni is always referred to with it/its pronouns. This page will use them interchangeably for now.
  2. https://x.com/PillarChaseNews/status/1865640399311630804