Help me
- 1 Rare Skins
- 2 Epic Skins
- 3 Legendary Skins
- 4 Ancient Skins
- 5 Rank Skins
- 6 Upcoming Skins
-Skin 1=
-Skin 1=
-Skin 1=
-Skin 1=
Rarity: Rarity
Rarity: Rarity
Rarity: Rarity
Rarity: Rarity
-Skin 1=
Vapor Edit blahblahblah
This is an edit section for Vapor while the page is currently locked. I am not an admin, so I cancannot unlock it. Write in the comments if you have any edits to make.
(Also the infobox is gone because stupid monster category)
Super Bomb Survival monster thing
concept from a stupid idiot
i give up with them infoboxes
}Skill Guy} is a Roblox cartoonish-like character. He is based off [Super Bomb Survival] in where he appears in the Skill icons.
Skill Guy is a light yellow-skinned Roblox startercharacter, with a red torso, purple legs, an outline, and a cartoonish face that changes during attacks. There is not much to depict from his appearance, other than, unlike other monsters, having a very slight larger size like a normal survivor, making them harder to distinguish if there are outlined survivors.
Skill Guy has 20 Sprint Speed, 50 Stamina, and does 30 DMG per hit. He goes at a good speed, does medium damage, but has low stamina. Upon 30 seconds or less in the round, Skill Guy's stamina regenerates immedi…
If you can make an monster an single time Who you will chosse?
Seeker Concept
- 1 Original character (minecraft warden) by Mojang Studios or Microsoft idk
- 2 Stats:
- 3 Abilities:
- 4 Info:
- Cost: 1880 (not including the discount event)
- Damage:65
- Sprint Speed: 21
- Stamina: 95
Intense sniff: You sniff around and give any player in a medium radius the visible debuff for 20 seconds.
Sonic beam: You shoot a beam in the direction you're looking doing 60 damage. Hitting a player with it will remove the visible debuff.
Burrow: You dig into the ground and come out near a player. (medium distance)
- You only see the map, not the players
- Hitting a player with a m1 will make the visible debuff not affect the player for 3 seconds
- Being really close to a player (basically touching him) will give him the visible debuff for 10 seconds
- While a player has t…
About "theorized" Up Coming Characters
I just wanted to clear this up!
I have been seeing many people theorize many different characters coming to the game, such as DBTG, TMITS, and MULTIPLE sonic characters.
so, I wanted to clear things up.
- 1 DBTG (Does Bad Things Guy - AETHOS)
- 2 TMITS (The Man In The Suit - Godzilla Analog Horror)
- 3 Innumerable Sonic Characters
- 4 Another MX/Mario inspired Character
- 5 FP (Fake Peppino - Pizza Tower)
The reason why DBTG is NEVER coming to the game, is because of MX, MX'S Creator has stated that they do not want MX being in ANY SORT of aethos game, which if DBTG was added, they would have to remove mx, which would feel unfair to players who use them, and to the diamond players, who spent weeks or months getting diamond on MX. Blade has also Deconfirmed him co…
Collese suggestions
If you are an admin or a dev and want me to be apart of the pillar chase team you have to tell me and the owner of PC2 and let the owner decide and if he says to give him stuff i made show him this
- 1 humans
- 1.1 Zombie changes
- 1.2 Mechanic changes
- 1.2.1 falling
- 1.3 Gallery-Human
- 1.3.1 Animations
- Deaths
- 1.3.1 Animations
Parasite: https://pc2.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000045859
depending on the stamina and how far you fall it will cost stamina if you dont have enough stamina you will play a slow animation
1 story- 15 stamina
2 stories- 30 stamina
1 stories- 45 stamina
4 stories- 60 stamina
5 or more stories- 75 stamina
- 1 Finalists (These skins lost the contest, so they will not be added! All the skins here are amazing though!)
- 1.1 Boxer MX
- 1.1.1 Extra Things (Boxer MX)
- 1.2 Watchful WYST
- 1.2.1 Extra Things (Watchful WYST)
- 1.3 Ghoul Vapor
- 1.1 Boxer MX
MX is now shirtless, and wears large boxing gloves, a boxing helmet, a teeth guard, and a large champions belt. He has a towel draped over his left shoulder as well. His pants remain almost unchanged.
No differences besides the model.
WYST now resembles a large eyeball, with its arms and legs resembling flesh. It also has a large optic nerve trailing from behind it. When using Frenzy or attacking, the fake eyeball is opened to reveal a large, toothy mouth that opens in a triangular shape. This is based on a boss from Terraria.
- Gobble Bombs…
(This is being used to map out the new skin pages, please suggest any changes that would be preferred)
- 1 Rare Skins
- 1.1 Trivia
- 2 Epic Skins
- 3 Legendary Skins
- 4 Ancient Skins
- 5 Outdated/Removed Skins
The Chunger Skin for Chungus is a Refrence to Chunger! The Chunger Skin for Chungus is a Refrence to Chunger! The Chunger Skin for Chungus is a Refrence to Chunger! The Chunger Skin for Chungus is a Refrence to Chunger! The Chunger Skin for Chungus is a Refrence to Chunger! The Chunger Skin for Chungus is a Refrence to Chunger!
- Wanted for multiple crimes
- Heading towards your current location
- ugly
The Chunger Skin for Chungus is a Refrence to Chunger! The Chunger Skin for Chungus is a Refrence to Chunger! The Chunger Skin for Chungus is a Refre…
Trollface King’s Monsters
These are all the fanmade monsters of trollface king. They are usually made and chosen by polls.
- The Boiled One
- Red Mist Squidward
- Locust
- Turmoil
- Bob
- Mr. L
- first one
- second
artelurr moveset concept
Artelurr Custom Moveset
Meant to be a fast-paced mimicry killer, who relies mostly on their past kills to do well. Enters a buffed phase until it gets its first kill.
100 Stamina and 24 Walkspeed, Moderate Stamina Drain. 55 Damage. (No Kills)
80 Stamina and 21 Walkspeed, Moderate Stamina Drain. 50 Damage. (1 Kill / No Puppet)
115 Stamina and 24 Walkspeed, Moderate-High Stamina Drain. 45 Damage.(Puppet)
Intro Animation (not sure)
Jumpscare Animation (No Puppet): Artelurr grabs the player with their tentacles and throws the player into their mouth. Bone effects are shown and blood spits out of Artelurr’s mouth.
Jumpscare Animation (Puppet): The puppet grabs the player and throws them backwards as Artelurr fades in, darkening the screen and playing …
slenderman moveset concept
Passive: Looking at Slenderman will drain the battery of anything you are holding (flashlights and stephano) and deal slight damage to you the longer you look at him.
Ability 1: Go invisible and move at high speeds. While invisible, you have no / low stamina drain. Becoming visible again has high endlag. Becoming visible again around a player causes static to appear on their screen, slowing them down and doing a small amount of damage to them (around 10). 15 second cooldown.
Ability 2 (The Eight Pages): Slenderman plays an animation where he places a page on the closest surface. He can place eight of these pages. The more pages he places, the higher speed (+1) and stamina (+10) he will have. Players are able to pick up these pages to remove …
Earth's Top 15 Most Wanted Killers
This is a project I've started for fun, detailing my 15 Most Wanted Killers for Pillar Chase 2, and how I think they'd play.
- 1 #15
- 1.1 Abilities
- 1.1.1 Passive: Influence
- 1.1.2 M1
- 1.1.3 Ability 1: Pestilence Spreads
- 1.1.4 Ability 2: Reanimator
- 1.2 Kill Animation
- 1.3 Chase Theme
- 1.4 Conclusion
- 1.1 Abilities
- 2 #14
- 3 #13
- 4 #12
- 5 #11
- 6 #10
- 7 #9
- 8 #8
- 9 #7
- 10 #6
- 11 #5
- 12 #4
- 13 #3
- 14 #2
- 15 #1
Determining this spot was... pretty complicated, to say the least. However, I ultimately settled on one choice.
- Sprint Speed: 18
- Stamina: 90
- Damage: 60
- Cost: 1900
Weird Masks have a higher chance to spawn in a round with him as the/one of the killer(s).
The Plague Doctor swings his hand forwards. He only needs to hit players twice for them to go down.
SCP-049 will sprint forwards for a moment, striking anyone in his path for …