Pillar Chase 2 Wiki

— Last Survivor Standing

Fuwatti (Also referred to as Blockman Oni or Fuwatty) is the fourteenth monster in Pillar Chase 2. It is one of the many mutant variants of Ao Oni found within the various Ao Oni[1]-infested location, being the secondary threat and mascot of the Ao Oni series. It can be unlocked for 1000 coins in the shop. (Previously 1350 before the Black Friday Event's conclusion). He was released on September 6th, 2024.


Fuwatti is a deformed, short and rectangular variant of Ao Oni. Its skin is a blueberry color, and lacks any resemblance to a human, or anything truly logical. It has very short and stumpy limbs, showing no visible signs of hands, fingers, toes or feet, and a huge maw filled with many differently sized, razor-sharp teeth, almost to the same degree of needles. It has large eyes, with its sclera being barely visible behind their intensely dilated pupils, no visible nose, and wrinkles on the top of its forehead.


Fuwatti has 95 stamina, 21 sprint speed, and deals 30 DMG per hit. He relies on fast movement to ambush players using his M1 and his speed boost he gets whenever he kills a survivor. Fuwatti has two abilities: Silly Rush and Oni Vision.

Keybind Name Ability Description Effect
Passive N/A
Fuwatti Passive
Killing a player drastically increases Fuwatti's sprint speed for 1 second. Catching up to players.
M1 M1
Fuwatti M1
Fuwatti issues a biting attack, dealing 30 damage. This attack gives Fuwatti a short burst of speed while using, and drains Fuwatti’s stamina by 5 on use. Deals damage.
1 Silly Rush
Fuwatti Ability 1
When pressing 1, Fuwatti charges extremely fast in a straight line until hitting a wall or player. Upon hitting a player, it will deal 85 damage to them which will bone break a survivor in one hit. When hitting a wall, Fuwatti will fall backwards and be stunned for a moment, regaining 25 stamina. Fuwatti will slow down with very short endlag if the move never succeeds/hits a wall. Has a 4 second cooldown. Deals damage to players and grants mobility.
2 Oni Vision
Fuwatti Oni vision
When pressing 2, Fuwatti will raise his hands to his head and highlight all players on the map for a medium duration and regains some stamina. It is unable to attack for the duration of this ability. Has a 17 second cooldown. Highlights players and regenerates stamina.

Double Trouble Interactions

Interacting With Name Ability Description Effect
Ao Oni Grab & Throw
Fuwatti is able to be picked up by Ao Oni in Double Trouble if Ao Oni holds down E near them. Fuwatti is not able to move or use any abilities while being carried. If Ao Oni presses E/M1 again, Fuwatti will be thrown forward a large distance and deal 85 damage upon contact with a player. Be carried around by Ao Oni and get thrown, acting as a more situational version of Silly Rush.


Audio Audio Description Audio Information
*Step* Plays when Walking/Running.
Errgghh, eghhghhh.. Eh? *Impact sound* Plays during the intro.
*Ringing* *Giggling* *Skidding sound* Plays when Fuwatti uses Silly Rush.
*Impact sound* Er-pweh! Plays when Fuwatti hits a object while using Silly Rush. Also plays when Fuwatti hits a player when thrown by Ao Oni.
*Chomp* Plays when Fuwatti uses his attack or hits a player with Silly Rush.
*Giggling* *Brutal slamming* Plays when Fuwatti kills a player

Classic has special sound effects to go along with the skin.

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
*Growling* *Impact sound* Plays during the intro.
*Grizzly chomp* Plays when Fuwatti uses his attack.
*Running sounds* *Skidding sounds* Plays when Fuwatti uses Silly Rush.
*Impact sound* Plays when Fuwatti hits a object while using Silly Rush. Also plays when Fuwatti hits a player when thrown by Ao Oni.
*Growling* Plays when Fuwatti is idle or attacking.

Other Information

Beastiary Entry:

(In-game Beastiary Entry) "me am scarey and dangrus you wiw fear me and run awey fwom me! my papa sayed me very strong and us me thrown at robbers! me going get you"

(In-game Beastiary Entry (English)) I'm scary and dangerous. You will fear me and run away from me! My papa says I'm very strong and that he has me thrown at robbers! I'm going to get you.

(Unused/Detailed Beastiary Entry) "Fuwatti is a small sized Oni and it is not nearly as smart or cunning as its creator the Ao Oni. This version of Fuwatti was once a lost child that entered the mansion, met their fate by the hands of the Ao Oni and was turned into what they are today. Fuwatti will attack any humans on sight with extreme speed and agility, though it's not very good at actually planning out its attacks. If you encounter Fuwatti, make sure to not walk in straight lines."


When you die to Fuwatti, he will say:
The color of this message is lavender.


— Last Survivor Standing
— Level 12 Last Survivor Standing Quote
— Level 40 Last Survivor Standing Quote
— Level 75 Last Survivor Standing Quote

"Purple creature once human."
Valem commenting on Fuwatti
Valem commenting on Fuwatti
"Devour them."
Valem commenting on Fuwatti
"Why are you here?"
Valem commenting on Fuwatti


  • Fuwatti's model was made by Rawalc.
  • At 1000 coins, Fuwatti is currently the cheapest monster in the game.
  • Fuwatti first appeared in-game as the Pinky Jrs., who are featured in an ongoing storyline in which Mr. Pinky, who is most likely their father, was murdered by Casohnite (Streamer Uncle Samsonite), who wanted to steal his burger. After witnessing his death, the Pinky Jrs. merged together into one giant Pinky Jr. to confront Caseohnite and avenge their father. This storyline is currently paused, and you can now see Mr. Pinky and his (presumably) kids talking if you go into the basement of the new lobby.
  • Fuwatti's voice lines come from this scene in the Ao Oni Version 2.0 movie.
    • Its intro also is likely a reference to the part in the scene where one runs at Takuro to attack him but hits a wall instead.
    • Its render is also a reference to the movie's poster.
  • Fuwatti is currently the smallest monster in-game. However, Mother will be the shortest when she is added.
  • Fuwatti had the longest intro duration out of all monsters to date, being around 6 seconds, yet was outclassed by PCX.
  • In a future update, Fuwatti will have another special interaction in Double Trouble. That being:
    • Fuwatti & Fuwatti: Both Fuwattis are able to merge into one larger Fuwatti, which one player controls while the other spectates. This merged Fuwatti can do massive damage, but moves slower.
  • Fuwatti is the first monster to come directly from the same piece of media as a previous monster (Some thought MX and The Forest King were the first monsters to originate from the same piece of media, but while they have appeared in a game together before Pillar Chase 2 (Specifically, the Mario's Madness mod for Friday Night Funkin), they actually originate from different games with MX coming from Mario '85 and The Forest King being from 'the or Coronation Day.).
    • In particular, it is the second monster from the Ao Oni series, the other being the titular Ao Oni.
    • Fuwatti is also the first monster to have the same ability as another monster, sharing Oni Vision with the aforementioned Ao Oni.
  • Fuwatti's default skin, as well as its purchasable skins (excluding legendary skins, rank skins, and the gnorpy) are intentionally misspelled in reference to its low intelligence. It could also be an affectionate decision considering it is basically a smaller, stubbier Ao Oni. (This is also seen in Fuwatti’s Bestiary entry.)
  • There is currently a bug where if a player is using a first-aid kit/completing a task, Silly Rush will instead go through the player without doing damage.
  • Fuwatti is sometimes referred to as MX by the developers, and vice versa. This is an inside joke from the developers — likely from the fact that both monsters have similar rush abilities.
  • Fuwatti was the last monster to be in the old UI.
  • During Fuwatti's idle, there is a little feature where he slightly move his eyeballs in every direction. It also applies to Oni Vision as the eyeballs move sideways in opposite direction.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Fuwatti's lore in Pillar Chase is an original interpretation and is not canon to the Ao Oni universe. This means that according to his presumably self-written Beastiary entry, Fuwatti considers Ao Oni a father figure and Ao Oni likes him enough to consider him strong. This could also mean Fuwatti is not actually aggressive and instead attacks survivors because he thinks that they are robbers.
  • Assuming the detailed version of Fuwatti's bestiary is still canon to Pillar Chase 2's lore, this makes Fuwatti the youngest monster in the game, being the only one who is a child (at least mentally).
  • Fuwatti's moveset is most likely inspired by the Ao Oni 2.0 Movie.
  • Fuwatti's current theme was not used as his chase theme on release because BladeNinja forgot about it.[2]
  • "Fuwatti" is a mispelling, with the correct spelling being "Fuwatty". This mispelling comes from a misunderstanding about its romanization, Fuwattī, with the ī being erroneously interpretated as an i, when it is supposed to be localized as a y. This is further backed up by various official promotional media in the series, most of which come from the very movie it is based on, that make use of the "Fuwatty" spelling.[3]
  • Oddly enough, when holding Fuwatti as Ao Oni, neither monster can use the Oni Vision ability.


  1. This specific use of Ao Oni refers to all monsters, not just the species of the same name
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEESjWSaPI0&t=382s
  3. L 553f8ccea11ae
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