Gamemodes are what define the round's core gameplay. They change drastically the way of playing the game, for either the monster(s) or survivors. The Gamemode is randomly chosen, and broadcasted by a TV in the lobby. You can vote on certain Gamemodes ONLY on private servers. Gamemodes can also include unique maps or change them in a way.

The TV lobby, broadcasting the current round status, as well as the previous/actual gamemode, or randomly choosing one, found in public servers.
Solo Monster
Solo Monster is the main gamemode of the game. As a survivor, your goal is to survive until the timer hits zero. To decrease the timer, you can finish a set of tasks. Finishing one task rewards 1 monster chance as well. As a monster your only goal is to kill the other players before the timer runs out.
Double Trouble plays identical to Solo Monster with the only difference being that there are 2 monsters instead of one and the timer is halved. To make the round more fair, the Survivors also get a boost of 10 stamina, giving them a total of 110 stamina.
Watti-O-Clock is a rare gamemode similar to Infection, where one players spawns in as a Fuwatti and their task is to infect the survivors and turn all of them into Fuwattis. The survivors also start the game with a Doom Gauntlet and a Flashbang to make things more fair.
Collectathon was the third gamemode of the game. As a survivor, you'd need to collect all crystal shards sprayed in a maze shaped map before escaping through an exit. As a monster, you would get a speed bonus of +3 (EXE would go from 20 to 23 as an example) and a reduced cooldown on your abilities, and if the timer runs out, you'll win instead of losing.
Stronghold was the fourth and the last gamemode added to the game. Survivors must have held on to control points to score a certain number of points, once that number of points was achieved, the survivors won. Monsters had to kill all survivors to win or wait for the timer to run out.

The gamemode voting system GUI, only available on private servers.