Pillar Chase 2 Wiki
A Shiny Quarter! Shiny Quarter
This page is about a core feature of Pillar Chase 2, meaning it is very important!

Items, as the title suggests, are collectable content that can be found either scattered around the map or by buying them at the NPC Shop on the lobby. They all serve for a usage, being incredibly useful during their own moments, they can all be dropped with Q(W.A.S.D) or A(Z.S.Q.D) on keyboard, Y on an Xbox controller, or on a Playstation Controller.


A glowstick that illuminates in a small area around you.
The item described by PhoenixFinch

The Glowstick is an item in the game. It is a small glowing green glowstick.


The Glowstick is another light source item. It gives off a circular green light around you, although not very far. However, it is an infinite light source, unlike other flashlight items which all drain.

A weak Flashlight that lights up the area its facing.
The item described by PhoenixFinch
Basic Flashlight, at least it works.

(Old Quote)

The item described by PhoenixFinch

The Flashlight is the most basic item, it's one of the most common items the player can find. As the title suggests, its a basic, black flashlight.


The Flashlight can be used to light up an area in-front of the player, it can be found around the map aswell as being bought from the shop.

A First Aid Kit to heal yourself with, it's too heavy to heal yourself and run at the same time though.
The item described by PhoenixFinch
First Aid Kit, fix yourself up after getting

bashed, stabbed, slashed, or- well... you get the point. (Old Quote)

The item described by PhoenixFinch

The First Aid Kit is the second item in-game, as the title suggests, it has a basic, red colored first aid kit appearance.


If the player holds down the M1 button, the player will slowly start healing themselves. If the healing is completely done, the player will regain a large portion of health (exactly 65 health, to be specific), or fully heal themselves, depending on the amounts of health lost. This can be incredibly useful since it fixes the bone break effect as well. Players cannot sprint while healing and their walkspeed will be reduced, Sto

An even stronger Flashlight that lights up the area its facing.
The item described by PhoenixFinch
Extremely strong flashlight, lasts much

longer and is brighter than the basic one... (Old Quote)

The item described by PhoenixFinch

The Ultra Flashlight is the fourth item in-game, it's a somewhat uncommon item the player can find while playing the game. As the title suggests, its a more powerful flashlight.


The Ultra Flashlight is almost the exact same as the normal Flashlight, except it lasts longer and is brighter. An interesting thing to note is that regular Flashlights are a black color, while the Ultra Flashlight counterparts are yellow in color.

Stephano will passively highlight nearby monsters. There is a cooldown between activations.
The item described by PhoenixFinch
While holding Stephano you will get a speed boost when sprinting.(Old Quote)
The item described by PhoenixFinch
He will guide the way! STEPHANOOOOOO!!

(Older Quote)

The item described by PhoenixFinch

Stephano is the sixth item in-game. it is a rare item and can be found around the map or bought in the shop. It resembles a golden statue holding a sword.


When Stephano is held he allows the player to highlight monsters if they are close to them, and makes a breathing sound when getting close to a monster. He also plays a sound saying "Helloz, I am Stephano.".


  • Despite the item coming from the game Amnesia, the item itself references more Pewdiepie, which named the statue Stephano.
  • Stephano used to give a 5% speed boost while held, have durability that made it that you could hold it for 10 seconds, and could not highlight nearby monsters.

Doomfist's Gauntlet . . You can charge up a punch that knocks the monster back, though you can't run while its equipped.
The item described by PhoenixFinch

(Old Quote)

The item described by PhoenixFinch

The Doom's Gauntlet (Or Doomfist Gauntlet) is the seventh item in-game that can be either found in the map or being bought, It is a golden gauntlet that prevents sprinting but pushes monsters away. It is a direct reference to "Doomfist" from the Blizzard game Overwatch.


Upon pressing M1 with the Doom's Gauntlet the player will start charging their fist up before sending out a punch forward. If the punch hits a monster, the monster will get knocked back extremely fast. The gauntlet goes for around 80 studs, The Gauntlet can also do an uppercut with M2 (Right Click) wich can block attacks, The Gauntlet has 3 uses (3 Uppercuts, 3 Punches or 2 Uppercuts and 1 Punch), and once there are no uses left the item is dropped on the ground and becomes unusable and cannot be picked up. If dropped by pressing Q after punching once, the punches will not reset and whoever next picks up the Gauntlet will be left with just 1 punch to work with.

The item described by PhoenixFinch
Found this strange mask near some corpse,

it looked neat. I think it belongs to some company idk.. (Old Quote)

The item described by PhoenixFinch

The Weird Mask is the fifth item in-game, it is a rare, incredibly difficult to find item (around 1/65 of chance, being %1,54) that can be found where the monster spawned at. It has the appearance of SCP-035. A happy white porcelain comedy mask, with some ink coming out of its eyes.


If you are looking for the Zombie page itself, please click here.

When the player clicks the mask while holding it, they will automatically put it onto their face, turning them into a zombie that will be able to gain XP and kill other players. Each attack deals 18 damage to a survivor if it hits, taking 6 hits to kill a normal survivor. The Weird Mask is usually used for 2 situations. Either as a way to become a monster early because the user is impatient and wants to have a round at monster but doesn't want to spend Robux to increase the chances they become one sooner, or immediately put it on if a mask managed to spawn naturally; or as a last ditch attempt to avoid getting killed by the round's monster.

Throw this at a monster to temporarily blind them.
The item described by PhoenixFinch

The Flashbang is the eighth item in-game, It is a green M84 Stun grenade that blinds monsters for several seconds when thrown at them.


Makes so Monsters screen is black for a short duration of time, making for an easy escape for players from them. Despite this, monsters could still attack and use their abilities. This item could be a reference to "Flashbang" from Counter-Strike.

Upcoming Items

The item described by PhoenixFinch

The Armor Lock is an item in the game. TBA


It's original utility in the Halo series was to create a barrier around the user, making them fully invincible for 5 seconds but locking them in place for that time. It is assumed that the item version ingame would have the same effect.

The item described by PhoenixFinch

The BSODA is an item in the game. TBA


It's original utility was first used in Baldi's Basics and used as a long range way to push the monster back, quickly open doors, and getting a advantage in escaping something.


  • If you walk/run over an item, there is a chance that you can hear Akuma's "Ashura Senku" sound effect from the Street Fighter franchise, though its very subtle.
  • PCX is able to dodge the Doom Gauntlet with his “Jump” Ability.
  • Weird Mask's model is a direct port of the SCP-035 model from "SCP: Containment Breach".
  • BladeNinja has recently claimed that new items will be added to the testing server soon, specifically the Armor Lock from Halo.
  • Console players can only hold a max of 4 items at a time.
    • If the user tries to pick up a 5th item, the item will automatically dropped.
    • If the user is playing with a controller on a PC, they will be unable to select items past the fourth as all subsequent items will be mapped to D-Pad Down.