Pillar Chase 2 Wiki

Its okay friend, its nap time.
— LSS (Level 0)
Rest your head now..
— Death Quote

Jeffrey Woods (also called Jeff The Killer or Jeff), is the seventeenth monster added to Pillar Chase 2. The well-known image of Jeff originated from a Newgrounds thread by killerjeff. But the character himself originates from a YouTube video called "jeff the killer" by sesseur. Though the character would be popularised from a plagiarised creepypasta of the same name created by GamefuelTV's Brother (Travis). In the 2011 creepypasta, he was a victim of a freak accident leaving him severely disfigured both physically and mentally. He eventually began down a path of murder, beginning his rampage with an attack on his family. Now he is infamous for stalking people of rural towns for days on end before striking while they are asleep. He was added on January 24th, 2025, and is the first monster to be added in the year 2025. Jeffrey Woods costs 1450 coins.


Jeffrey Woods is an adult male with pale white skin and multiple "modifications" made to his face. His mouth has a cut on each side giving him a permanent smile, which looks uncanny combined with his removed lips and visible gums. His nose has been cut off leaving nothing but the empty nasal cavity in its place, similarly his eyelids have been removed giving him a permanent stare. Jeff notably has long unkept black hair which reaches past his shoulders and the hood of his white sweatshirt. He wears black pants complimented by white running shoes, he carries a kitchen knife, which he holds in an icepick grip, similar to that of popular slashers.


Jeffrey Woods has 90 stamina, 23 sprint speed, and deals 25 base DMG. With 10 lower stamina than a survivor's that drains at the same speed as theirs, Jeff more than makes up for that in his speed and stealth, making Jeff a pretty reliable chaser. However, His main weakness appears to be the noise he produces idly, giving survivor's ample time to react to his presence. He has two abilities: Silent Stalker and Maniacal Haste. The former allows him to become somewhat unnoticeable and deal extra damage at the cost of his speed and providing either a minor or major buff when ending the ability. The latter enhances and extends his chases with stamina buffs, possibly even extending the chase to another survivor after a kill due to the ability's function to add time to the buffs duration.

Keybind Name Ability Description Effect XP
M1 Knife Slashyman Jeffrey Woods stabs his knife downwards at the player, dealing 25 damage. Deals damage to players. 50 per hit
1 Silent Stalker Crouchman Jeff will crouch down and have his footsteps and all idles silenced. When getting near a player, a 'Rage' meter will quickly build up along with highlighting them. Once the meter is full and you stand back up, Jeff will let out a loud laugh and gain a movement speed boost and damage boost for 5 seconds. But this also increases stamina drain. Standing back up without a full rage meter will grant a small movement speed buff for 2 seconds. If he attacks a player during his crouched state, he will deal 70 damage and will have an alternate kill animation. 2 second cooldown. Grants stealth capabilities on use, and varying buffs once ended. 140 per crouched hit
2 Maniacal Haste JeffMentalInsanity Jeff will flourish his knife and begin laughing non stop, while this buff is active his stamina drain is decreased along with increased attack speed. The buffs have a normal duration of 10 seconds. If Jeff attacks a player while this buff is active, 3 seconds will be regained. If Jeff kills a player while the buff is active, 60% of the timer will be regained (about 6 seconds). While the buffs are active, Jeff will constantly laugh, revealing his position. When the ability ends, Jeff will be locked in place and play an animation and voice line. 18 second cooldown. Grants buffs at the sacrifice of revealing your location via sound. N/A

Upcoming Double Trouble Interactions

Interacting With Name Ability Description Effect
Smile Dog TBA TBA When together in Double Trouble, both monsters will get a buff, the buff is unknown as of right now. Buff for Jeffrey Woods and Smile Dog


Jeffrey Woods is voice acted by DrPester.

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
*distant steps and breathing* *grab* *metallic slash, exhale* Plays in the intro.
*step* Plays when walking / running.
*step* Plays when walking / running.
*heavy breathing and laughing* Plays when idle.
*woosh* Plays when using Silent Stalker.
*slash* "Hah!" Plays when attacking.
*slash* "Hrmph!" Plays when attacking.
"Hahahahahahahahaha..." Plays when exiting Silent Stalker with a full Rage meter.
*woosh* "hehaAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!" Plays when coming out of Silent Stalker with a full Rage meter.
*maniacal laughter* Plays when using Maniacal Haste.
*continued maniacal laughter* Plays during Maniacal Haste.
"You. Are. DEAD." Plays when Maniacal Haste ends.
*exhale* *slash* Plays when exiting Maniacal Haste.
”Are you sccaaarreeddd?” *slash* Plays when exiting Maniacal Haste.
”It’s time to sleeeepp…” *slash* Plays when exiting Maniacal Haste.
*grab* *grunt* *maniacal laughter and stab sounds* *woosh* Plays when killing a player.
*low kick* "Go to sleep." *stab* *light laughter* Plays when killing a player with Silent Stalker activated.

Classic has special sound effects to go along with the skin.

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
*music* *distant steps* *classic knife slash* Plays in the intro.
*classic roblox step* Plays when walking / running.
*classic roblox step* Plays when walking / running.
"Plays the ambiences." Plays when idle.
*linked sword swing* Plays when attacking.
*music* Background music heard when getting close.
*maniacal laughter* Plays when exiting Silent Stalker with a full Rage meter.
*maniacal laughter, linked sword swing, lightning* Plays when using Maniacal Haste.
*music* Plays during Maniacal Haste.
*slowed down sound, knife swing, heartbeat' Plays when Maniacal Haste ends.
*stab sounds* *Sword Lunge sound* Plays when killing a player.
*low kick* *brutal stab* Plays when killing a player with Silent Stalker activated.

Slaughter has custom voicelines to go along with the skin, and is voiced by Printzo.

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
*fnaf 1 ambience* *distant steps and breathing* *grab* *metallic slash, exhale* Plays in the intro.
*heavy breathing and laughing* Plays when idle.
*grunt* *knife swing* Plays when attacking.
*grunt* *knife swing* Plays when attacking.
*knife shing* *inhale* Plays when exiting Silent Stalker with a full Rage meter.
*fnaf 1 animatronic at door noise* *laughing* Plays when coming out of Silent Stalker with a full Rage meter.
*fnaf 1 animatronic at door noise* *laughing* Plays when coming out of Silent Stalker with a full Rage meter.
*fnaf 1 animatronic at door noise* *laughing* Plays when coming out of Silent Stalker with a full Rage meter.
*maniacal laughter* *knife swing* Plays when using Maniacal Haste.
*fnaf 2 hallway ambience* *continued maniacal laughter* Plays during Maniacal Haste.
"You couldn't save them!" Plays when Maniacal Haste ends.
*exhale* *slash* Plays when Maniacal Haste ends.
”Keep on running” Plays when Maniacal Haste ends.
"Why do you even try?" Plays when Maniacal Haste ends.
*fnaf 1 animatronic at door noise* *grab* *grunt* *maniacal laughter and stab sounds* Plays when killing a player.
*low kick* *stab* *light laughter* Plays when killing a player with Silent Stalker activated.

Unnamed Female Skin has custom voicelines to go along with the skin, and is voiced by MayDoesAThing. Note: these voice lines were originally for the Nina skin, but are now being used for the Unnamed Female Skin replacing her.

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
*footsteps* *light giggling* *grab, exhale* *slash* “Heh…” Plays in the intro.
*step* Plays when walking / running.
*step* Plays when walking / running.
TBA Plays when idle.
TBA TBA Plays when using Silent Stalker.
*slash* "Hah!" Plays when attacking.
*slash* “Hrah!” Plays when attacking.
TBA TBA Plays when exiting Silent Stalker with a full Rage meter.
TBA TBA Plays when coming out of Silent Stalker with a full Rage meter.
*maniacal giggling* Plays when using Maniacal Haste.
*continued maniacal giggling* Plays during Maniacal Haste.
"You. Are. DEAD!" Plays when Maniacal Haste ends.
*exhale* *slash* Plays when exiting Maniacal Haste.
”Are you scaarreeedd?” *slash* Plays when exiting Maniacal Haste.
”It’s time to sleeeepp…” *slash* Plays when exiting Maniacal Haste.
*grab* *grunt* *light laughing and stab sounds* Plays when killing a player.
*low kick* “Grah! GO TO SLEEP MY PRINCE!" *stab* *light giggling* Plays when killing a player with Silent Stalker activated.

Other Information

Beastiary Entry:

"Beastiary Entry will be added when released"


When you die to Jeffrey Woods, he will say:
"Rest your head now..."
The color of this message is white.


"It's okay my friend, it's nap time."
— Last Survivor Standing
"You will know my pain."
— Level 12 Last Survivor Standing
"My new face, isn't it beautiful?"
— Level 40 Last Survivor Standing Quote
"Go... To... SLEEP."
— Level 75 Last Survivor Standing Quote
— Stupid Last Survivor Standing Quote

"Show us what you can do."
Valem to Jeffrey Woods
"A sad past, a promising future."
Valem to Jeffrey Woods
"Your soul is tainted."
Valem to Jeffrey Woods
"You will join us soon."
Valem to Jeffrey Woods
"You will make a fine demon."
Valem to Jeffrey Woods


  • Jeffrey Woods’ model was mostly made by TheBladeNinja, with the head done by Rawalc and the hands done by Taurolostiryx. Froggy helped with the hair.
  • Jeffrey Woods’ / Jeff The Killer’s original images origins are unknown, with it being one of the most famous cases of lost media.
  • Jeffrey Woods is the second monster who was teased with an animated video, the first being EXE.
  • He is also the third human character that was added to the game, with the other human characters being Baldi, and Springtrap.
    • To a degree, he is the fifth human character added to the game, as both Vapor and Rosemary were humans before they became demons.
  • In early footage of him in-game, Jeffrey Woods placeholder icon could be seen as his original reference photo.
  • Jeffrey Woods in PC2 is canonically fully grown, and is at peak human.
  • Before the PCX and Jeffrey Woods vote, his script was almost done.[1]
  • Jeffrey Woods is the second monster in the game to have two kill animations. The first being Springtrap.
  • Jeffrey Woods is the second monster to be a fan casting, as auditions were held to be the voice of Jeff. The first monster to do this was PCX.
  • Jeffrey Woods is the fourth monster that could be play-tested in testing servers. The first monster to do this was Vita Mimic, the second was Fuwatti, and the third was Inkfell.
  • Jeffrey Woods is the first monster to have their sprint speed be the exact same as a survivor, at 23.
  • Jeffrey Woods is the first monster to share a passive with another monster. Both he and Vita Mimic have a passive that makes survivor vision slightly darker.
  • Jeffrey Woods and Ao Oni are the only 2 characters to get a skin that has new attack and kill animations.
  • Jeffrey Woods is the only monster to not have an Epic skin on release.
    • It is likely that he'll eventually receive one in the near future.
  • Jeffrey Woods's banner was available for purchase long before he became playable, as well as his note in The Dungeon.
  • The background music used for Jeffrey Woods' Classic skin's intro is from Midnight Syndicate - Grisly Reminder, a song commonly used in old roblox horror games.
    • It is also used as the leitmotif for the skin's chase theme.
      • The composer of the original song commented under Scrumbo's upload of the skin's chase theme.[2]
  • Slaughter's chase theme is likely a reference to The Living Tombstone's It's Been So Long.


In-game Monsters VaporIcon28102024 Vapor · RoseiconRosemary· BaldiIcon2 Baldi · OniIcon2 Ao Oni · Image 2024-10-28 162735954The Fogborn· EXEIconv3 EXE · NewSamIcon Uncle Samsonite· SpringrapiconSpringtrap· MxnewiconMX· ForestKingIcon2The Forest King · NiloticusNewIcon Niloticus · WYSTIcon WYST · NewmicVita Mimic · FuwaIcon Fuwatti · InkfellIngameIcon Inkfell PillarXIcon 3 PCX · JeffIcon 2 Jeffrey Woods · ValemIcon2 Valem · ZombiefaceZombie
Upcoming Monsters Slendering my tubby Stricken · Newdawg The Dog · A01tempicon A01 · Artelurr zoomed2 Artelurr · Lamb placeholder 2 The Lamb · SlenderIcon Slenderman · ServantGruntIconM Servant Grunt · GorefieldIconPlaceholder Gorefield · KrasueIconM Krasue · WitchIconM The Witch · SuitmationIcon Suitmations · SmileDogIconM Smile Dog · Mother Icon Mother · ClockworkKeeperPlaceholderIcon The Clockwork Keeper · Probably PhantoVenators Icon Phantovenator · Placeholdericonforshadow Shadowborne · Palunofficalicon2 Pal Percy · Tempicon Tricky The Clown
Unconfirmed Monsters The Host Icon The Host Of Influence · Sin placeholder icon Sin · Deerclopsunofficalicon Deerclops · Monsterunofficalicon Monster · HerTempIcon HER
Scrapped Monsters SirenTease Siren Head · MichaelIconM Michael Davies · Woof icon Fallen Wolf
Developer Monsters S1n placeholder icon SINWRATH · Asset423 Icon Asset-423 · Loona & Sunny Placeholder Icon Loona & Sunny · ScribblePlaceholderIcon Scribble · Placeholder Kansen Icon Kansen · GrimbearIcon Grimbear