Pillar Chase 2 Wiki
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You will not go to waste.
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This screen cannot contain me forever.
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Krasue is an upcoming monster to Pillar Chase 2. She originates from Southeast Asian mythology, where she is depicted as the spirit of a cursed woman (sometimes that of a princess), which after a life of sin was reborn as the monster we now know. Different depictions of Krasue have appeared in a variety of tales throughout different countries, though, shes always depicted as having a voracious appetite for blood or rotten food. Though, she gained the majority of her fame from the 2020 release EYES: The Horror Game, in which she takes a nearly identical form as in the original myth. In said game, her origin is different from the mythology, rather being the spirit of a woman abused by the owner of the Mansion a majority of the game takes place in. She is meant to replace HER from the original Pillar Chase.


Krasue appears to be the floating head of a normal woman with nothing but the esophagus and most of the digestive track attached. However, within the game, EYES, in which her appearance will likely be based off, she sports eyes completely filled with blood, to the extent it is dripping from the socket. She has a mouth that has been severed on each side allowing the jaw to unhinge to a degree revealing her sharp teeth.


There is nothing currently known about Krasue's gameplay. However, chances are she will rather closely be related in terms of abilities to HER from Pillar Chase 1.

Keybind Name Ability Description Effect


  • Krasue and Smile Dog are the only monsters which have been confirmed multiple times without any progress or teasers revealed on them.
  • Krasue is one of 2 monsters that are being added to replace a character from Pillar Chase 1, with the other being Valem . She will be replacing HER from the game (This is unknown as of now), while Valem will be replacing The Wendigo.[1]
  • Krasue is the first monster in Pillar Chase 2 to originate directly from Japanese mythology, However Ao Oni and Fuwatti are Onis, creatures also from japanese mythlogy, but Ao Oni and Fuwatti in particular come from and are original to the game Ao Oni and Fuwatti do not appear in traditional folklore. While Krasue, although also appearing in EYES, the appearance in said game is not a separate character.
  • BladeNinja has stated Krasue's model hasn't even been started yet, because nobody on the dev team wants to model her.


In-game Monsters VaporIcon28102024 Vapor · RoseiconRosemary· BaldiIcon2 Baldi · OniIcon2 Ao Oni · Image 2024-10-28 162735954The Fogborn· EXEIconv3 EXE · NewSamIcon Uncle Samsonite· SpringrapiconSpringtrap· MxnewiconMX· ForestKingIcon2The Forest King · NiloticusNewIcon Niloticus · WYSTIcon WYST · NewmicVita Mimic · FuwaIcon Fuwatti · InkfellIngameIcon Inkfell PillarXIcon 3 PCX · JeffIcon 2 Jeffrey Woods · ValemIcon2 Valem · ZombiefaceZombie
Upcoming Monsters Slendering my tubby Stricken · Newdawg The Dog · A01tempicon A01 · Artelurr zoomed2 Artelurr · Lamb placeholder 2 The Lamb · SlenderIcon Slenderman · ServantGruntIconM Servant Grunt · GorefieldIconPlaceholder Gorefield · KrasueIconM Krasue · WitchIconM The Witch · SuitmationIcon Suitmations · SmileDogIconM Smile Dog · Mother Icon Mother · ClockworkKeeperPlaceholderIcon The Clockwork Keeper · Probably PhantoVenators Icon Phantovenator · Placeholdericonforshadow Shadowborne · Palunofficalicon2 Pal Percy · Tempicon Tricky The Clown
Unconfirmed Monsters The Host Icon The Host Of Influence · Sin placeholder icon Sin · Deerclopsunofficalicon Deerclops · Monsterunofficalicon Monster · HerTempIcon HER
Scrapped Monsters SirenTease Siren Head · MichaelIconM Michael Davies · Woof icon Fallen Wolf
Developer Monsters S1n placeholder icon SINWRATH · Asset423 Icon Asset-423 · Loona & Sunny Placeholder Icon Loona & Sunny · ScribblePlaceholderIcon Scribble · Placeholder Kansen Icon Kansen · GrimbearIcon Grimbear
  1. Confirm 2