Pillar Chase 2 Wiki
Mother Icon
"Mother's looking after you!"
This aspect of the game is due to have a rework/revamp in the future.
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Further Information: Mxremodel

— Last Survivor Standing

— Death Quote

MX is the ninth monster in Pillar Chase 2. He is an ancient spirit who takes a twisted form of Mario and indirectly kills anyone who dares to play his game to trap their souls in the characters to be his playthings for all eternity. He is the main antagonist of his own game & horrorbrew, Mario '85, and is currently owned by RazzDazzleDoo. He can be unlocked for 1585 coins in the shop. (Previously 1985 before the Black Friday Event's conclusion). He was released on June 21st, 2024.


MX resembles a huge, heavily exaggerated version of Mario with a rectangular-built, almost corpse-like appearance. His gums are visible, with cracks of red snaking upwards through his teeth. He wears a set of dark red overalls, a red hat resembling the one Mario wears Albeit with a heavily altered emblem, without an "M", and now somewhat resembles a top-hat, and a black shirt. He has no visible pupils or even eyes, and his eye sockets are cloaked in shadow, and he has a big nose and an over-grown, fuzzy mustache that curls upwards. He doesn't wear gloves, though his white skin gives off the illusion of them still being there. He also has shiny leather shoes resembling those that are typically worn at events like weddings.


MX has 80 Stamina, 24 Sprint Speed, and deals 75 DMG per hit. He is slightly faster than the survivors while sprinting, along with having the highest base damage in the game. However, he only has 4 seconds worth of stamina due to how fast it drains, and extreme end-lag on both his M1 and first ability. He has two abilities: Charging Demise and POW Hop.

Keybind Name Ability Description Effect
Passive Jump MX passive When the monster that game is MX, players will gain the ability to jump by pressing the spacebar. Jumping takes eight stamina and has a slight cooldown before a player can jump again. If a player doesn't jump in time when MX performs his POW Hop ability, they will be tripped, leaving them vulnerable for a moment. Jumping can also be used to pull off a few parkour maneuvers. Players are able to jump.
Passive Bloodlust MXmurderResize2 Whenever MX kills a player, all other players on the map are highlighted for five seconds and all of his cooldowns are reset. This is MX's only way to highlight players. Gives MX a variety of perks for a short duration.
M1 M1 MX'S M1 MX stomps the ground in front of him, dealing 75 damage to any players in front of him. Has heavy endlag after use, meaning you must make sure that he is close enough and aim it with the target's movements, otherwise, players will have time to get away. Deals damage to players.
1 Charging Demise Chargedemise When pressing 1, MX will perform a shoulder charge in the direction he is facing. While charging, MX can slowly turn in left or right direction, and he cannot stop charging until he hits a wall, kills a player, or after covering a certain distance. Players caught in his path will take 9 damage per tick and be dragged along with him. When hitting a wall, MX will be stunned for a couple of seconds. Has a 12-second cooldown after stopping his charge. Deals damage to players and grants mobility.
2 POW Hop POW Hop (HD) When pressing 2, MX will perform a flying jump through the air with a decent amount of freedom as to where he lands. A prompt will then appear on nearby players' screens reading "Jump Now". Anybody who doesn't jump or jumps at the wrong time will be tripped, stunning them briefly. Players who jump at the correct time will be unaffected. If MX lands directly on top of a player (and they do not jump), it will instantly kill them, even if they have the Tanky Upgrade.[1] This insta-kill can also hit multiple people at once, if they're close enough to eachother. This will not grant bloodlust. Has a 10-second cooldown after landing. Slows down players and grants mobility


MX is voiced by Madzilla.

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
"INNOCENCE DOESN'T GET YOU FAR." Plays in the intro.
*Breathing* Idle/moving sound effects.
"COME BACK HERE!" + *SMB3 Max P Sound* Plays when using Charging Demise.
"WAHOO!" Plays when using POW Hop.
*impact* "YEOUCH! Grrahh..." Plays when MX bumps into a wall when using Charging Demise
"LUCAS!" + *Slightly Altered SMB1 Game Over Jingle* Plays during the killing animation of MX.
*Step* Plays when MX walks or runs.

BX comes with custom voicelines to go with the skin and is voiced by Bowserson21.

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
"YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME." Plays in the intro.
TBA TBA Plays when idle.
"GRAH!" *chuckling* Plays when using POW Hop.
*SM64 Bowser SFX + Laughing* Plays when using Charging Demise.
"OW! RRAGHH.." Plays upon BX runs into an object during Charging Demise.
TBA TBA Plays afyer killing a player.

Mr. Virtual comes with unique voicelines to go with the skin, and is voiced by Ratso.

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
"I am already in your head!" Plays in the intro.
*Incoherent Laughing* *Humming* "That is where I'll be... Tip toe... Through the tulips... with me." Idle/moving sound effects.
TBA TBA Plays when walking/running.
*Slam-Squeaking* Plays when using M1.
"GET OVER HERE!" Plays when using Charging Demise.
"GROAHehouch hehahahahaha!" Plays when hitting a wall while using Charging Demise.
"HMHUHAHaHAHAhHAAh!" Plays when using POW Hop.
"ANDERSON!!!" Plays when killing a player.

Plumber has a unique intro quote to go with the skin, and is voiced by Madzilla.

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
*Exhale* *Chuckling* "Hey, Paisanos!" Plays in the intro.

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
File:NDSIdle.mp3 TBA Idle/moving sound effects.
File:NDS M1.mp3 TBA Plays when using M1.
TBA Plays when using Charging Demise.
File:NDSDemiseMiss.mp3 TBA Plays when hitting a wall while using Charging Demise.
TBA' Plays when using POW Hop.
File:NDS Kill.mp3 TBA Plays when killing a player.

Other Information

Beastiary Entry:
Mx bestiary

"MX is an ancient spirit created from the land before time, when the universe as we know it was created, though unintentionally. He watched as lands begun to form, mountains and hills shifting into the world we have now, and he saw the humans evolve into these thinking, talking beings. Curious to see what it would take for each individual to bend, to break, he takes the form of a man in red that the humans all love to better obtain his entertainment. And now he's found you..."

Lethality: ★★★★★

When you die to MX, he will say:
When you die to POW Hop, he will say:
The color of these messages are dark red.


— Last Survivor Standing
— Level 12 Last Survivor Standing Quote
— Level 40 Last Survivor Standing Quote
— Level 75 Last Survivor Standing Quote

"Put them to rest."
Valem commenting on MX
"Stay out of the way."
Valem commenting on MX
"The innocent are weak."
Valem commenting on MX
"Ancient entity, disperse."
Valem commenting on MX
"Not one of us."
Valem commenting on MX
"Our numbers are greater"
Valem commenting on MX


  • MX's model was made by The_BladeNinja.
  • MX is sometimes referred to as Fuwatti, and vice versa. This is an inside joke from the developers — likely from the fact that both monsters have similar rush abilities.
  • RazzDazzleDoo, MX's owner, has been said to really enjoy Pillar Chase 2.
  • There is a bug where Charging Demise will phase through the player after landing a few hits.
  • MX's old unlock cost was a reference to his original game, Mario '85, which is in fact also a reference, to Super Mario Bros' release date in 1985.
    • Additionally, his M1 dealing 85 DMG was most likely another reference to Mario '85.
      • This was originally nerfed to 70 DMG due to it being able to instantly cause Bone-break and requiring two First Aid Kits to tank another hit, but it was reverted to 85 DMG as of the Valem Update. This has changed to 75 as of 2/10, now no longer bone-breaking.
  • MX was originally the most expensive monster in the game at 1985 coins, before being decreased to 1585 in the Black Friday 2024 update and overtaken by PCX in the Christmas 2024 update.
  • MX's Kill animation is a reference to Mario's Madness, the Friday Night Funkin' mod of which MX is officially apart of, where he tears Girlfriend in half in the climax of his first song, "Powerdown".
  • POW Hop is a reference to the POW block that appears in Mario games. It also references the fact that Mario usually fights enemies by jumping on them. It is also a reference to a mechanic in the aforementioned FNF song, in which MX will occasionally slam the ground, forcing to have BF jump in time or have a major chunk of his health lost.
  • MX's design in Pillar Chase 2 is based more on his appearance in Mario's Madness V2 than his official artwork.
    • His "Diamond" rank skin however, is more accurate to his official artwork.
  • Charging Demise's name is a slight reference to MX's second song in the aforementioned FNF mod, "Demise".
    • Additionally, MX's ability icons are white silhouettes of his sprites in the song.
      • More specifically His "Up" and "Right" sprites.
  • MX is currently tied with The Fogborn for the #2 spot in amount of ancient skins, totaling at 3.
    • After the upcoming "Ultra M" update, MX will be tied with PCX for having the most amount of ancient skins out of all the monsters with the addition of the "I Hate You Luigi" skin. Totaling to 4 ancient skins.
      • This is assuming of course that said skin will be of "ancient" rarity.
  • MX, The Forest King, WYST, Vapor, EXE, Baldi, Inkfell, Springtrap, PCX and Niloticus share the title of having more than one death quote.
    • MX, The Forest King, WYST, Vapor, Baldi and Inkfell all have 2 death quotes, while EXE & Niloticus have 3 death quotes, Springtrap has 4 death quotes, and PCX has the most at 6 death quotes.
    • MX is also the only monster in the game who has a death quote that refers to the victim by their username upon killing them, being when he kills someone instantly with POW Hop.
  • MX's favorite Dorito flavor is Nacho Cheese, confirmed by RazzDazzleDoo.
  • MX is the monster with the shortest name in the game, having only 2 letters.
  • MX used to be a dev-exclusive monster before he was publicly released as the 9th monster added.
  • MX is generally considered the best monster in the game by the community, due to his beginner-friendly aspects.
  • MX is the monster who sang the infamous Pillar Chase 2 Song that appeared in the TV briefly during the Halloween 2024 event.
  • The song that Mr. Virtual hums is called "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" by Tiny Tim.
  • MX's "buff" in the Jeff the Killer Update is a joke about a youtuber named "ragerr" who makes Pillar Chase 2 content and has a strong hatred for MX's gameplay.
    • He mentioned in one of his videos how the developers should just spawn him next to MX whenever there is a round with him in it just to get it over with, which is what the patch note is referencing.



  1. MX one shot
In-game Monsters VaporIcon28102024 Vapor · RoseiconRosemary· BaldiIcon2 Baldi · OniIcon2 Ao Oni · Image 2024-10-28 162735954The Fogborn· EXEIconv3 EXE · NewSamIcon Uncle Samsonite· SpringrapiconSpringtrap· MxnewiconMX· ForestKingIcon2The Forest King · NiloticusNewIcon Niloticus · WYSTIcon WYST · NewmicVita Mimic · FuwaIcon Fuwatti · InkfellIngameIcon Inkfell PillarXIcon 3 PCX · JeffIcon 2 Jeffrey Woods · ValemIcon2 Valem · ZombiefaceZombie
Upcoming Monsters Slendering my tubby Stricken · Newdawg The Dog · A01tempicon A01 · Artelurr zoomed2 Artelurr · Lamb placeholder 2 The Lamb · SlenderIcon Slenderman · ServantGruntIconM Servant Grunt · GorefieldIconPlaceholder Gorefield · KrasueIconM Krasue · WitchIconM The Witch · SuitmationIcon Suitmations · SmileDogIconM Smile Dog · Mother Icon Mother · ClockworkKeeperPlaceholderIcon The Clockwork Keeper · Probably PhantoVenators Icon Phantovenator · Placeholdericonforshadow Shadowborne · Palunofficalicon2 Pal Percy · Tempicon Tricky The Clown
Unconfirmed Monsters The Host Icon The Host Of Influence · Sin placeholder icon Sin · Deerclopsunofficalicon Deerclops · Monsterunofficalicon Monster · HerTempIcon HER
Scrapped Monsters SirenTease Siren Head · MichaelIconM Michael Davies · Woof icon Fallen Wolf
Developer Monsters S1n placeholder icon SINWRATH · Asset423 Icon Asset-423 · Loona & Sunny Placeholder Icon Loona & Sunny · ScribblePlaceholderIcon Scribble · Placeholder Kansen Icon Kansen · GrimbearIcon Grimbear