Pillar Chase 2 Wiki

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PillarXIcon 3
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Mother is an upcoming Monster to Pillar Chase 2. She is based off of Mama Tattletail, the main antagonist of the survival horror game Tattletail by Waygetter Electronics. Currently, there is no additional lore/info on Mother herself.



Mother's Full Render

Mother is a rotund, Furby-like animatronic with no arms and stocky feet with no legs. She has big chinchilla-like ears, with large furry tufts on the sides of her head. The color of her pelage is a dark pink, and has round, rosy cheeks, large black eyelashes, a red heart sitting between her ears, and stitches running down the entirety of her body. Her eyes are mostly hollow, with the exception of her having small glowing eyeballs with slightly pinkish sclera inside. She has a red heart-shaped nose, 3 whiskers on both sides of her muzzle, a wide open smile with long brownish sharp teeth, and her head is attached to a large, pink, patterned spring of sorts that can be extended and is additionally connected to 4 long strings. She wears a red striped bow tie and a heart plus one smaller heart below it. The claws on her feet are black and pointy, above both feet she has purple and pink striped bands, behind her she has a red and striped heart-shaped tail, and she has a woolly texture applied to almost her entire model.


Due to Mother having in-game voice lines, an audio section of the page will be left here.

Audio Description Activation Method


There is nothing currently known about Mother's gameplay.

Keybind Name Ability Description Effect


  • Mother (formerly planned to be Mama Tattletail) was confirmed by a poll held in the official Discord server.[1]
  • Mother design was originally changed due to "strict copyright" regarding the original Tattletail game. The developers were mistaken, however, and couldn't go back to Mama due to them already deciding on a design and starting animation work.[2]
  • Mother’s design was inspired by “cats and creepy old antique dolls”.
  • Mother is likely to get a skin referencing Mama Tattletail compensation to players who wanted Mama more.
  • Mother is, probably, the shortest monster in the game, even shorter than Fuwatti.
  • Mother, despite not having abilities yet, had voice acting auditions on Twitter. Alongside this, the auditions apperently closed within 24 hours due to overwhelming messages, although it is currently unknown who the VA is or if anyone was ever picked. It is safe to assume there was a VA picked, since this post was made in September 2024


In-game Monsters VaporIcon28102024 Vapor · RoseiconRosemary· BaldiIcon2 Baldi · OniIcon2 Ao Oni · Image 2024-10-28 162735954The Fogborn· EXEIconv3 EXE · NewSamIcon Uncle Samsonite· SpringrapiconSpringtrap· MxnewiconMX· ForestKingIcon2The Forest King · NiloticusNewIcon Niloticus · WYSTIcon WYST · NewmicVita Mimic · FuwaIcon Fuwatti · InkfellIngameIcon Inkfell PillarXIcon 3 PCX · JeffIcon 2 Jeffrey Woods · ValemIcon2 Valem · ZombiefaceZombie
Upcoming Monsters Slendering my tubby Stricken · Newdawg The Dog · A01tempicon A01 · Artelurr zoomed2 Artelurr · Lamb placeholder 2 The Lamb · SlenderIcon Slenderman · ServantGruntIconM Servant Grunt · GorefieldIconPlaceholder Gorefield · KrasueIconM Krasue · WitchIconM The Witch · SuitmationIcon Suitmations · SmileDogIconM Smile Dog · Mother Icon Mother · ClockworkKeeperPlaceholderIcon The Clockwork Keeper · Probably PhantoVenators Icon Phantovenator · Placeholdericonforshadow Shadowborne · Palunofficalicon2 Pal Percy · Tempicon Tricky The Clown
Unconfirmed Monsters The Host Icon The Host Of Influence · Sin placeholder icon Sin · Deerclopsunofficalicon Deerclops · Monsterunofficalicon Monster · HerTempIcon HER
Scrapped Monsters SirenTease Siren Head · MichaelIconM Michael Davies · Woof icon Fallen Wolf
Developer Monsters S1n placeholder icon SINWRATH · Asset423 Icon Asset-423 · Loona & Sunny Placeholder Icon Loona & Sunny · ScribblePlaceholderIcon Scribble · Placeholder Kansen Icon Kansen · GrimbearIcon Grimbear

