Pillar Chase 2 Wiki
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This content has been removed from the game for one reason or another, and it may or may not come back in the future.
Reason: Pulled from public servers due to heavy backlash from the community.

Strongholds is a Private Server exclusive gamemode in the game. In order to win, the players must stay on "control points" in order to gain point and win. The amount of point scored is determined by the number of players on the point; each tick, the game will add a set number of point depending on the number of players currently holding points. The monster can contest a point by standing on it, making this point unable to score points until the monster leaves it. The timer in this gamemode is also longer than other ones, and unlike Solo Monster or Double Trouble, if the timer runs out, the monster wins instead of the survivors. All maps have 3 points (E-17b having 4), but the game will randomly choose 2 points to be active at the same time, meaning one point is left disabled.


As a survivor, you'd want to score a good amount of points while remaining relatively safe. The easiest way to do so is to spray your group of survivors to different points; this way, even if the monsters is on a point, you will still be able to score points and win faster. Though the monster will likely kill some players that were on the contested point.

Another strategy is to stay in a compact group and run to the other control point when the monster is nearby. This strategy needs less coordination but is much riskier, as you will lose some players each time the monster comes to the point you're standing on. Also, when you're moving to the next point, you won't be able to score points, and if you aren't fast enough, the timer might be an issue.

As the monster, you will want to either kill all survivor or make them unable to score enough point until the timer ends. The timer is longer than other gamemodes, so relying on it in order to win isn't a good option when there is a lot of survivors. The best option is to kill every survivor. Due to the gamemode requiring players to stay on small zones and in group, finding and killing them is much easier. If you can spread the players out of the points, that will greatly reduce their efficiency at scoring points, making your task easier. Try to focus players that try to score the most points and kill the ones that tend to hide the most around the end.

Here are some monsters that were (very) viable in this game mode; Ao Oni - Thanks to its Shapeshift ability, sneaking on a group of players without making them aware of you is MUCH easier, and you can easily take them by surprise. Fogborn - Fogborn's Foggy Stare is almost guaranteed to work on this gamemode, due to the players staying in big groups. Thunder Warp is also an incredibly good way to follow players to the other control point and unable them to score points/kill them.


Only two maps were available in this game mode: Valley and E-17B Holding Facility. Both maps have 3 control points.

Valley was an open and vast map, making running from monster easier. While E-17B was a much more closed and had way less room to move in. E-17B doors could also help slowing down the monster's arrival, but it's a double-edged sword as it could also trap you with the monster in a room.


  • Removed from public servers due to being frowned upon by the community. This decision was also planned for a while by '''BladeNinja''' himself.