Pillar Chase 2 Wiki

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The Dog is an upcoming Monster to Pillar Chase 2. He is a cryptid/killer from The Voidway haunting a Duck Season cartridge, targeting children who play the game, disguised as the games mascot. He is based on the main antagonist of the Virtual Reality horror game Duck Season (Based around the NES game Duck Hunt) by Stress Level Zero.


The Dog appears to be a man inside a bulky mascot suit for the game Duck Season; a beagle-like dog with brown fur and dark spots, accented with a white belly, muzzle, and hands - topped with a black tail and ears. The suit has been dirtied, and is splotched with blood. Where its eyes are meant to be, there are instead two empty sockets, filled with glowing red eyes, granting him a darker, more sinister look. The Dog is seen wielding various weapons, including a red video-game blaster, a bloodied knife, and a silver shotgun - all lifted from various places in his source material.


There is little known about The Dog's gameplay, besides that he will be able to swap to a zapper, a shotgun and a knife with his abilities.

Keybind Name Ability Description Effect
1 TBA TBA Spawn a blaster in your offhand and shoot it in the direction you are facing. There might be more information about this ability but it's unknown for now. TBA


  • The Dog was confirmed by a poll held in the Discord server, asking whether or not it should be an Ancient Skin or a separate monster. The results of this poll were to have it be a monster.
    • It was originally planned to be an Ancient Skin for Jeffrey Woods.
  • The decision to modify The Dog's appearance was to avoid potential copyright issues with Stress Level Zero, as well as being able to contact one of the developers and said developer mentioning people "overstepping" boundaries with The Dog, therefore not getting permission to use the original design.
  • The Dog and A01 were hinted at being after Valem.
    • Since Stricken is planned to be after Valem, The Dog and A01 are planned to be after Stricken.
  • It is unknown what breed The Dog's costume is exactly, but it is known to be some type of hunting dog.
  • The Dog, The Lamb (the wolf vessel), Smile Dog, And Pal Percy will be the only 4 monsters who are based off of a dog/wolf.


In-game Monsters VaporIcon28102024 Vapor · RoseiconRosemary· BaldiIcon2 Baldi · OniIcon2 Ao Oni · Image 2024-10-28 162735954The Fogborn· EXEIconv3 EXE · NewSamIcon Uncle Samsonite· SpringrapiconSpringtrap· MxnewiconMX· ForestKingIcon2The Forest King · NiloticusNewIcon Niloticus · WYSTIcon WYST · NewmicVita Mimic · FuwaIcon Fuwatti · InkfellIngameIcon Inkfell PillarXIcon 3 PCX · JeffIcon 2 Jeffrey Woods · ValemIcon2 Valem · ZombiefaceZombie
Upcoming Monsters Slendering my tubby Stricken · Newdawg The Dog · A01tempicon A01 · Artelurr zoomed2 Artelurr · Lamb placeholder 2 The Lamb · SlenderIcon Slenderman · ServantGruntIconM Servant Grunt · GorefieldIconPlaceholder Gorefield · KrasueIconM Krasue · WitchIconM The Witch · SuitmationIcon Suitmations · SmileDogIconM Smile Dog · Mother Icon Mother · ClockworkKeeperPlaceholderIcon The Clockwork Keeper · Probably PhantoVenators Icon Phantovenator · Placeholdericonforshadow Shadowborne · Palunofficalicon2 Pal Percy · Tempicon Tricky The Clown
Unconfirmed Monsters The Host Icon The Host Of Influence · Sin placeholder icon Sin · Deerclopsunofficalicon Deerclops · Monsterunofficalicon Monster · HerTempIcon HER
Scrapped Monsters SirenTease Siren Head · MichaelIconM Michael Davies · Woof icon Fallen Wolf
Developer Monsters S1n placeholder icon SINWRATH · Asset423 Icon Asset-423 · Loona & Sunny Placeholder Icon Loona & Sunny · ScribblePlaceholderIcon Scribble · Placeholder Kansen Icon Kansen · GrimbearIcon Grimbear