Pillar Chase 2 Wiki
They say there is a monster that lives there...
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The Host Of Influence (or simply The Host ) is a possibly upcoming monster to Pillar Chase 2. Like most Carnis it is a living product of 'The Crawl' along with the Mimics, and a hostile member of the Carnis family. Its name originates from the effect its spores have on people who ingest them, which is like an event host's invitation. It is one of many creatures featured in the analog horror series Vita Carnis, created and owned by Darian Quilloy.


The Host Render

The Host Of Influence's Full Model

The Host of Influence appears near identically to its appearance in its debut video, 'Vita Carnis - Living Meat Research Documentary 6 - Host of Influence'. It is humanoid in appearance from the waist up, with a thin waist, broad shoulders, and long gangly arms. It's face is entirely devoid of features and appears to be cased in a carapace of some kind, being a tan in color. The arms and upper torso also possess this carapace of the same color, segmented at joints and having an appearance similar to a taught muscular structure of a human. The similarity with humans ends at the upper body's shape, as from the hips down are a mass of fleshy tendrils, which are dark red in color and appear similar to muscle fibers or intestines. The carapace of the upper body covers these tendrils like an armor. The neck is composed of these same tendrils, but has a large slit in the front (As the face has no mouth, this is how it consumes its prey). The tendrils are used to root The Host in place, preventing it from moving unless it chooses to. The arms of The Host end in long stumps, with two sharp black barbs protruding from the underside. Protruding from its back and upper arms are numerous long, hairlike spikes, which, in it's series, it uses to shoot spores over a long distance.


There is currently very little information on The Host of Influence's gameplay. From what is known, it will likely have to root down to use it's abilities, or at least be slow and cumbersome when unrooted. The spores it produces will infect players via contact, allowing the Host to influence the player's movement and bring them to it.

Keybind Name Ability Description Effect


  • The Host of Influence's model was made by Rawalc.
  • The Host of Influence is the third monster with a confirmed genus name, the other monsters with one being Niloticus, Vita Mimic, and Phantovenator.
  • The Host's scientific name (Imperium Carnis) is Latin for Dominion of The Flesh.
  • The Host comes from the same series as Vita Mimic. That being Vita Carnis.
  • The Host of Influence will be the 3rd monster that comes from an analog horror. The other 2 being Vita Mimic and Suitmations.

