Pillar Chase 2 Wiki

The Pillars, the titular map of Pillar Chase 2, is one of the multiple maps that has a large wide area, with many pillars, vents and buttons scattered throughout it, it is one of the darkest maps as there is barely any lights around it. This map was released alongside 4 others when the game had first released on April 27th, 2024.

Objectives (Normal)[]

Activate buttons (0/9)[]

There are nine total buttons around the area and every button not touched will not be lit up. When you encounter a deactivated button, it will sometimes flash either blue or red. Clicking or pressing right trigger when it flashes blue will complete the button task. Flashing it on red will emit a lightning effect that will deal 15 damage. This can kill you, so be patient to avoid taking unnecessary damage and giving the monster less work.

Clean vents (0/4)[]

There are only four total vents in the map and they will all start out dirty. Interacting the vent will put you in a top down perspective of it, and you need to move your cursor around the vent to clean the vent's dirty spots. Once all spots are cleaned, you completed the task.

Objectives (Collectathon)[]

Collect Gems (0/411) (Variations TBA)[]

Escape (0/1)[]

Appearance (Normal)[]

The Pillars' appearance is a big square room filled with thirty-six pillars with the buttons facing the middle of the room. There is also a small "bridge" section that is elevated at the "bottom" of the room. There is one vent on each corner of the map.

Appearance (Collectathon)[]

The Pillars' appearance on Collectathon is a big square room filled with even more pillars. After collecting all gems a blue glowing door will show up. The gems in this map are colored blue.



  • The entire map is based on very narrow corridors, so if you bring a monster that can set traps, you will maintain very good control of the map.
  • If you bring slow monsters you won't have many problems hunting players on this map.
  • The rushing abilities of MX and Fuwatti, as well as the Gobble Bombs of WYST will prove most effective when inside the south corridoor, as survivors will not have the space to avoid these moves.
  • As EXE, putting Thorny Graves next to the middle-most buttons can catch people who only care for objectives.


  • This map has the easiest objectives in the entire game, so the countdown will be shortened quite a bit.
  • Although the map is small and you can come across a monster by chance, you can still confuse it by moving between pillars to lose sight of it.
  • Although it is not a very bright map, it is still one of the most brightly lit maps in the game, so detecting tasks or even the monster itself if it is heading towards you from the front will not be that difficult.


  • Dying to a button has a unique death message saying "Subject appears to have poor reaction time."
    • This is the first death message to not be triggered via monster death.


Audio Audio Information
The Pillars Ambience


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