Pillar Chase 2 Wiki

This will be SOOO muchh FUN...
— Last Survivor Standing
You just weren't any fun..
— Death Quote

Uncle Samsonite is the seventh monster in Pillar Chase 2. He is a chubby, soul-eating, humanoid abomination that originally appears as the main antagonist of the horror-comedy series of the same name, Uncle Samsonite, created by Jake Bowen. He can be unlocked for 1300 coins at the shop (previously 1555 before the Skin Contest Update, and 1350 before the Black Friday Event's conclusion). He was released on May 17th, 2024.


Uncle Samsonite takes an appearance similar to the one in his original series, albeit slightly different. He is slimmer and has much longer arms, as well as layered skin on his neck. He wears big brown overalls, completely covering his legs and feet when not running, with three white buttons sewn onto one of the straps and a yellow shirt underneath that is partially overlapped by the overalls. His legs end in hoofed feet (Similar to those of a pig), and he has white rubber gloves ending in sharp claws. He also wears a blue hat with distinctly pony-esque ears sticking out of the sides and a dark brown fur cape that reaches down to his knees.


Uncle Samsonite has 100 Stamina, 19 Sprint Speed, and deals 50 DMG per hit. For what he lacks in speed and stamina, he makes up for with great damage and tricky abilities to thwart players' attempts to escape. Uncle Samsonite has three abilities: Beat Laydown, Uncle's Wrath and Domain Traversal.

Keybind Name Ability Description Effect XP
F Dance Samdance When pressing F, Uncle Samsonite will pick one of three dance animations. Pressing F again makes him stop. This ability acts as a taunt and has no gameplay function. Dancing (Taunt). N/A
E "Take to domain." EDomain When holding E on a dancing player, they will be teleported to Sam's Domain, where they must find the correct door to escape. The timer will also increase by a few seconds for each successful capture and subsequent teleportation. (Currently, there's an exploit where, if timed correctly, Uncle Samsonite can punch a survivor right before he's about to teleport a player to his domain.) Traps players and makes killing them easier. 100 per player transported.
Passive Dance Overlay UncDanceOverlay Players within Uncle Samsonite's range while he's using either "Beat Laydown" or "Uncle's Wrath" will experience an overlay of bright green and purple neon lights surrounding their screen that get brighter and brighter if they fail to escape his range. Once the overlay is at its brightest, the player will begin to dance uncontrollably, unable to move until Uncle Samsonite hits them or 5 seconds pass. Stamina drain/regen is paused while dancing. Passive ability players will have to worry about. N/A
Passive Domain Doors Sam's Door When Uncle Samsonite is in play, 6 glowing doors will be placed across the map, which are labeled for Uncle Samsonite. He can also teleport to these doors by using his Domain Traversal Ability. Whenever a survivor escapes Uncle Samsonite's domain, they will be teleported back to the map through the door they escaped with via its position on the map. Passive ability players will have to worry about N/A
M1 M1 RAAA Uncle Samsonite issues a short-range punch, dealing 50 damage and causing their Dance Overlay to increase by a small margin. This used to have knockback when it hit a survivor, where the survivor would be pushed back. However, this was removed. Deals damage to players and increases Dance Overlay. 50 per hit.
1 Beat Laydown BeatLaydown When pressing 1, Uncle Samsonite will move his arms up and down for a few seconds, highlighting every nearby player purple. He must get reasonably close to a player for their Dance Overlay to begin to brighten up, which can be quickly done as Uncle Samsonite gains a significant speed boost once activated, making him the same speed as a full-health sprinting survivor. Players also can't move when they are dancing. Has an 8-second cooldown after the ability ends. Slows down/ stuns players. N/A
2 Uncle's Wrath Uncle'sWrath When pressing 2, Uncle Samsonite will slam his foot down, creating a large shock wave affecting nearby players. This causes sprinting players to start walking suddenly, and their screens brighten up from the massive increase of Dance Overlay, highlighting them with a purple aura. It also makes Uncle Samsonite sprint a bit faster for a short period after use. Has a 15-second cooldown after slamming his foot. Slows down sprinting players/ fills their Dance Overlay up. 25 per player hit.
3 Domain Traversal Teleportation When pressing 3, Uncle Samsonite will teleport to his domain. He cannot use his other 2 abilities when in his domain and can only attack with M1. Pressing 3 again will bring Uncle Samsonite back to the map.

Unlike players, Uncle Samsonite can use any of the 6 doors in his domain. When Uncle Samsonite interacts with one of his doors, he will be shown a view of what is outside the door he is entering, and he will have the option to either use the door to get back to the map or go back into his domain to pick another door. While looking in a door, all alive players will have their name tags shown and be highlighted green for a few seconds, so it's optimal to constantly go back to the domain, as it not only increases the amount of time he has but also allows him to track down players easily. All dead players will also be highlighted but will be red to differentiate them from the alive players. Survivors can also be the color yellow if at/or below 50 health.

Additionally, if Uncle Samsonite teleports to his domain while a survivor is still inside it, his speed is temporarily decreased until he returns to it again after the survivor trapped inside escapes or is killed.

Has a 6-second cooldown after entering his domain.

Teleportation. N/A

Removed Abilities[]

Keybind Name Ability Description Effect
1 Sam's Domain
When pressing 1, Uncle Samsonite would perform a short dash, lunging forward with open arms. If he landed this on a player, they would be teleported to Sam's Domain, in which they must have found the correct door to escape. The timer will also increase a tiny bit for each successful capture and subsequent teleportation. Traps players and makes killing them easier.
2 Dance Off
When pressing 2, Uncle Samsonite would start moving his arms up and down for a few seconds, highlighting every nearby player purple. If any player is less than 28 studs away from him while this is active, their dance bar will start to rapidly fill up. Players also can't move when they are dancing. Slows down/ stuns players.
Passive (Old UI) Dance Bar Dance Players will have a "Dance Bar" added to their GUI. If this bar is filled, the player will begin to uncontrollably dance, becoming unable to move until Uncle Samsonite hits them or 5 seconds pass. Stamina drain/regen is paused while dancing. Passive ability players will have to worry about.
Passive (Older UI) Dance Bar
Old dance
When the monster that game is Uncle Samsonite, players will have a "dance bar" added to their GUI. If this bar is filled, the player will begin to uncontrollably dance, becoming unable to move until Uncle Samsonite hits them or 5 seconds pass. Stamina drain/regen is paused while dancing. Passive ability players will have to worry about.


Audio Audio Description Audio Information
*pony bass* *door open* "It's time to have some fun... with Uncle Samsonite!" *Music Ramping Up* Plays in his intro
"Go on now. Lay down the beat for me..." Plays when using the "Beat Laydown/Dance Off" ability
"Why, I've simply taken him into the domain of Uncle Samsonite!" Plays after successfully using Sam's Domain/Sending someone to domain while danced
"Time to have some fun!" Plays while sending someone to domain.
"*scream* *grab* No one is having any Fun... *pigscream* *crunch* Plays when killing a player
*Hand wiggle sounds followed by cough/woosh* Plays when using Domain Traversal/Entering his domain
*Deep Breathing* Idle/moving sound effects
*Swing* Plays when you Attack.
*Foley/Cloth* *Boom* Plays when Walking/Running
Mix Of Ultra At 2:14 and Pony At 3:35, with Ultras end slowed. Played When Domain Is Entered.
Depravity By Jens Kiilstofte at 0:16 Emote Music When F Is Pressed.
Thwomp By Sledg3 The Music That Plays When a Survivor's Dance Bar Gets Full And They're Forced To Dance
"It's time to have some fun... with Uncle Samsonite!" Plays in his old intro

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
"Yep, you're banned. Have a good night." *loud scream* Plays when killing a player.

Removed Audio[]

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
"Dude am I that large?"

"Oh my goodness, there's no way I'm this large!"

Previously played during his intro.

Other Information[]

Beastiary Entry:

"Beastiary Entry will be added when released"


When you die to Uncle Samsonite, he will say:
"You just weren't any fun.."
The color of this message is fuchsia.


Go on now... Lay down the beat for me.
— Last Survivor Standing
I'm not having any fun... No one is having any fun.
— Level 12 Last Survivor Standing Quote
This is going to be soo muchhh FUN!!!
— Level 40 Last Survivor Standing Quote
I've simply taken them to the domain of Uncle Samsonite!
— Level 75 Last Survivor Standing Quote
It's time to have some jolly good fun..
— Christmas Last Survivor Standing Quote, only available during Christmas

"We remember you, Smiling Sam."
Valem commenting on Uncle Samsonite
"You waste time, Sam."
Valem commenting on Uncle Samsonite
"Do not toy with them."
Valem commenting on Uncle Samsonite
"Unlikely alliance, only temporary."
Valem commenting on Uncle Samsonite
"Leave this planet, entity."
Valem commenting on Uncle Samsonite


  • Jake Bowen, the original creator of Uncle Samsonite, knows about the existence of Pillar Chase 2 and found out about his character's addition into the game, replying to the reveal of his move-set with "Lore accurate."[1]
    • In Season 3 Episode 3 of Uncle Samsonite, BladeNinja has been credited in the Fan Offering of the episode.[2]
  • Uncle Samsonite is the first of four monsters to have more than two abilities, the second being Inkfell, the third being PCX and the fourth being Springtrap as of the Christmas 2024 event.
  • In his scrapped model, he was shorter and less chubby. He still had the same clothes but his overalls had no buttons and were slightly darker than before. His neck was more fat and he had a wider grin than his current model with the smile having an almost outlined appearance. Uncle Samsonite also had a more wrinkled face and he had a pink pig nose, referencing the pig-like appearance theory. In another photo of his full scrapped model, his eyes were just pitch black.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Uncle Samsonite is not a pig of any kind, but a pony.
  • In Uncle Samsonite's old and current chase music, near the end you can hear Mr. Dad shout, "What have you done with my son!" from The Video at 1:07, after finding out his son Jake has been captured by Uncle Samsonite.
    • You can also hear some of the lyrics to Pony - Ginuwine faintly, along with a bit of it's instrumental.
    • The Howie scream is heard too, which is used in one of Uncle Samsonite´s episodes at minute 2:20
  • When Uncle Samsonite is in his domain, he does not lose stamina.
  • Uncle Samsonite's animation changes to a floating one when inside his domain.
  • Uncle Samsonite is one of the 5 monsters with a space in their name. The other 4 being Ao Oni, The Fogborn, The Forest King and Vita Mimic
  • Uncle Samsonite is tied with The Forest King with having the longest name, both having 15 characters including spaces.
  • Uncle Samsonite‘s taunts triggered by pressing F on PC can’t be done on mobile.
  • Two out of the Three dances that the player is forced to do if their dance bar is filled up are dances Steve did in a dance battle against Uncle Samsonite, the first one coming from Showdown at 1:26, and the other coming from Round Two at 3:11, with the last dance just being the Dansen victory pose.
  • Uncle Samsonite is one of the monsters who cannot break the bone of a survivor, but can kill with 2 hits, making him one of the strongest monsters in the game.
  • Uncle Samsonite is the only monster in the game in which, in the Solo Monster gamemode, that cannot bone-break survivors under ANY circumstances, without the help of an assistant Zombie.
    • Although, Uncle Samsonite can bone-break a survivor in Hide 'n Seek and Oni's Mansion if he hits them once, and they then go into a closet, putting them just above 50 HP.
  • Uncle Samsonite is the second monster to have a separate gameplay video for their rework on BladeNinja's Youtube channel, with the first being Springtrap (though this video has since been deleted).
  • Although Uncle Samsonite M1s does add Dance Overlay to survivors, hitting survivors will not cause them to dance no matter what percentage of Dance Overlay they have.



In-game Monsters VaporIcon28102024 Vapor · RoseiconRosemary· BaldiIcon2 Baldi · OniIcon2 Ao Oni · Image 2024-10-28 162735954The Fogborn· EXEIconv3 EXE · NewSamIcon Uncle Samsonite· SpringrapiconSpringtrap· MxnewiconMX· ForestKingIcon2The Forest King · NiloticusNewIcon Niloticus · WYSTIcon WYST · NewmicVita Mimic · FuwaIcon Fuwatti · InkfellIngameIcon Inkfell PillarXIcon 3 PCX · JeffIcon 2 Jeffrey Woods · ValemIcon2 Valem · ZombiefaceZombie
Upcoming Monsters Slendering my tubby Stricken · Newdawg The Dog · A01tempicon A01 · Artelurr zoomed2 Artelurr · Lamb placeholder 2 The Lamb · SlenderIcon Slenderman · ServantGruntIconM Servant Grunt · GorefieldIconPlaceholder Gorefield · KrasueIconM Krasue · WitchIconM The Witch · SuitmationIcon Suitmations · SmileDogIconM Smile Dog · Mother Icon Mother · ClockworkKeeperPlaceholderIcon The Clockwork Keeper · Probably PhantoVenators Icon Phantovenator · Placeholdericonforshadow Shadowborne · Palunofficalicon2 Pal Percy · Tempicon Tricky The Clown
Unconfirmed Monsters The Host Icon The Host Of Influence · Sin placeholder icon Sin · Deerclopsunofficalicon Deerclops · Monsterunofficalicon Monster · HerTempIcon HER
Scrapped Monsters SirenTease Siren Head · MichaelIconM Michael Davies · Woof icon Fallen Wolf
Developer Monsters S1n placeholder icon SINWRATH · Asset423 Icon Asset-423 · Loona & Sunny Placeholder Icon Loona & Sunny · ScribblePlaceholderIcon Scribble · Placeholder Kansen Icon Kansen · GrimbearIcon Grimbear