Pillar Chase 2 Wiki
A Shiny Quarter! Shiny Quarter
This page is about a core feature of Pillar Chase 2, meaning it is very important!
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Upgrades are improvements to survivors that can be bought in the shop for 10 and 30 coins each. They will be equipped for that round and further rounds until the player dies or leaves the server, and only 3 can be equipped at once. They activate the next time the player is a human.

Name Price Icon Description
Runner 10 Coins Runner Increases the player's max stamina 10, but decreases their max health by 10.
Clarity 10 Coins Clarity Increases Player's range of vision.
Danger Vision 10 Coins Danger When someone dies, the player is able to see the monster while they are doing their kill animation.
Flimsy 10 Coins Flimsy Reduces the player's max health to 35 and their max stamina to 35, but boosts the players runspeed by 30%. (29.9 run speed)
Prepared 10 Coins Prepared Items are highlighted for 15 seconds.
Sixth Sense 10 Coins Sense Increases the Player's heartbeat sounds range.
Sneaky 10 Coins Sneaky Entirely mutes the player's footsteps.
Tanky 10 Coins Tanky Increases the player's max health by 100, increases stamina by 30, but reduces the player's runspeed by 30%. (16.1 runspeed)
Limitless 30 Coins Frameless Decreases the players max stamina by 35, but grants immunity to becoming winded (having 0 stamina)
Greedy 30 Coins Frameless Increases the max number of coins the player can earn per match by 30, but reduces health to 40.
Evade 30 Coins Frameless Allows the player to roll in the direction they are moving in for stamina. This roll shrinks your hitbox and provides a burst of mobility, this drain 10 stamina per use and have a 3.5s cooldowns.


  • Danger vision's description lies that the ability lasts for 6 seconds after the monster gets a kill. It actually only lasts for as long as the monster's kill animation.
    • This is due to most monsters kill animations being around 6 seconds long.
  • MX's pow hop ability can still insta kill you even if you have tanky equipped.
  • Upgrades were originally bought for only 15 coins.
  • Tanky's round time increase on death is a lie, both tanky and normal survivors add only 9 seconds.