Pillar Chase 2 Wiki

It’s going to be okay, come to me now.
— LSS (Level 0)

Valem is the eighteenth monster added to Pillar Chase 2. He is a bird-like demonic trickster who appears before players at night, luring and hunting them down with the help of his illusions. He originates from The_BladeNinja's Minecraft mod, Beware The Rain, and was added to replace Wendigo from the original Pillar Chase. He is the second monster to be added in the year of 2025. Valem was released on February 9th, 2025. He costs 1350 Coins.


Valem is a tall, humanoid, skeletal demon, whose entire body is almost entirely black. The only parts of his body that are not humanoid are his skull and feet, which are avian. Valem's skull has a very distinct shape, the silhouette being made entirely of triangles due to his beak and horns. Two large horns protrude from the sides of his head, with a smaller set just under them attached to his mandible. Another small pair juts upwards from his brow, and his beak is pointed almost entirely downwards with noticeable nostrils. The eye sockets that sit just above the beak have small glowing-white pupils floating in them. Lastly around his neck, is a mass of white feathers that covers most of his shoulders and upper ribcage. Inside said ribcage sits the only organ/flesh Valem has remaining, a heart.


Valem has 30 Stamina, 26 Sprint Speed, and deals damage ranging from 10 DMG at the lowest, to 55 DMG at the highest (30 without the buff). Valem has multiple reliable and spammable sources of mobility, highlighting and damage boosting, as well as being able to attack from afar with a unique M1. His two abilities are Demonic Illusion and Trickster’s Truth.

Keybind Name Ability Description Effect
M1 Psychic Flash ValemM1 When Valem presses M1, he will begin to inhale, and when M1 is released he will screech. This acts as a ranged projectile that deals 10 damage when simply tapped. However his can be held down to increase the damage to a range of 10-30, going by units of 5. This can kill a survivor in 4 hits if the damage is increased to 30 in overall hits, but will kill in 10 hits if you simply tap M1. Deals damage to survivors.
1 Demonic Illusion ValemAbility1 When Valem uses this ability, he will float up into the air and turn invisible for 3 seconds, spawning an illusion of himself in the location he used the ability, as well as allowing him to move at high speeds for the duration. The illusions spawned by this ability will play voicelines and face towards nearby survivors, who will be beckoned by these illusions visually along with auditorily. When a survivor is near an illusion it will passively drop items, and give the survivors one of three buffs: 35 HP healed, 1.25x Sprint Speed, or regen stamina TBA. However survivors being near the illusions will be highlighted for Valem. Which Valem can teleport to at any time by holding E while looking at the illusion of his choice, causing a explosion that deals 30 damage to anyone close enough. 10 Second cooldown, Illusions lasts 32 seconds. Deceives survivors with gifts and highlights survivors.
2 Trickster's Truth ValemAbility2 When Valem uses this ability, he will envelop himself in black smoke and gain a buff boosting the damage of his M1s by 20. The tradeoff however is no longer being able to sprint, instead Valem walks at about 40% increased speed and passively highlights players nearby while active. 10 Second cooldown, lasts 10 seconds. Boosts damage, walk speed, and passively highlights.

Double Trouble Interactions

Interacting With Name Ability Description Effect
All Monsters Trickster's Truth

Example with Fuwatti + Valem

When Valem uses Trickster's Truth, the other monster will have custom quotes on their screen dependent on the selected monster. Quotes for each monster can be viewed below. Custom quotes for each monster, Only a visual change.


Valem's Illusions are voiced by AppletimeVA.

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
*Woosh* *Bones Clacking* *Whispering* Plays in the intro
*Bones Clacking* Plays when walking or running
*Bones Clacking* Plays when walking or running
*Whispering* *Heart Beating* *Faint

Bones Clacking*

Plays when idle
*Fading screech* *Impact* Plays when attacking.
*Snap* *Echoing screech* Plays when killing a player.
"Don't be afraid..." Plays when using Demonic Illusion
"Just come Closer..." Plays when using Demonic Illusion
"Follow me..." Plays when a survivor gets a buff/item from an illusion.
"I am peaceful..." Plays when using Demonic Illusion
"I can help you..." Plays when using Demonic Illusion

Other Information

Beastiary Entry:

"Beastiary Entry will be added when released"


When dying to Valem, he will say:
"Trusting me was a wise decision."
The color of this message is white.

Valem death quote

When dying to Valem's explosion from Demonic Illusion, he will say:
"So far away from the truth."
The color of this message is yellow.


"It's going to be okay, come to me now."
— Last Survivor Standing Quote (Level 0)
"Don't be afraid, I am here.."
— Last Survivor Standing Quote (Level 12)
"Follow me now.. Eternal peace awaits you."
— Last Survivor Standing Quote (Level 40)
"Why be afraid when you can stop feeling altogether?"
— Last Survivor Standing Quote (Level 75)

"Fragile Humans."
— Valem commenting on Survivors
"Their bones creak."
— Valem commenting on Survivors
"They are foolish."
— Valem commenting on Survivors
"Their hearts beat."
— Valem commenting on Survivors
"Their terror, our joy."
— Valem commenting on Survivors
"Their souls are lively."
— Valem commenting on Survivors
"They tremble before us."
— Valem commenting on Survivors

"A mistake, our ranks suffer."
— Valem commenting on Vapor
"One armed failure."
— Valem commenting on Vapor
"Always so loud."
— Valem commenting on Vapor
"Disgusting human."
— Valem commenting on Vapor
"You false demon."
— Valem commenting on Vapor

"A mistake, our ranks suffer."
— Valem commenting on Rosemary
"You false demon."
— Valem commenting on Rosemary
"Do you remember your name?"
— Valem commenting on Rosemary
"Wasting our power."
— Valem commenting on Rosemary
"You shouldn't be here."
— Valem commenting on Rosemary

"Your soul is weak, teacher."
— Valem commenting on Baldi
"Human filth."
— Valem commenting on Baldi
"One mistake and you perish."
— Valem commenting on Baldi
"Your time is ticking."
— Valem commenting on Baldi
"You don't belong here."
— Valem commenting on Baldi

"Out of the way, blue demon."
— Valem commenting on Ao Oni
"Sloppy execution, blue demon."
— Valem commenting on Ao Oni
"Are you one of us?"
— Valem commenting on Ao Oni
"Shapeshifter, why as humans?"
— Valem commenting on Ao Oni

"Kill them all, fog dweller."
— Valem commenting on The Fogborn
"Fog dweller, join us."
— Valem commenting on The Fogborn
"An interesting creature."
— Valem commenting on The Fogborn
"The humans are fitting prey."
— Valem commenting on The Fogborn

"Put them to rest."
— Valem commenting on EXE
"Stay out of the way."
— Valem commenting on EXE
"Ancient entity, disperse."
— Valem commenting on EXE
"Not one of us."
— Valem commenting on EXE
"Our numbers are greater."
— Valem commenting on EXE
"Not a god, false."
— Valem commenting on EXE
"Leave this planet, entity."
— Valem commenting on EXE

"We remember you, Smiling Sam."
— Valem commenting on Uncle Samsonite
"Do not toy with them."
— Valem commenting on Uncle Samsonite
"You waste time, Sam."
— Valem commenting on Uncle Samsonite
"Unlikely alliance, only temporary."
— Valem commenting on Uncle Samsonite
"Leave this planet, entity."
— Valem commenting on Uncle Samsonite

"You shall burn."
— Valem commenting on Springtrap
"Your soul is tainted."
— Valem commenting on Springtrap
"Show us what you can do."
— Valem commenting on Springtrap
"You will join us soon."
— Valem commenting on Springtrap
"You will make a fine demon"
— Valem commenting on Springtrap

"Put them to rest."
— Valem commenting on MX
"Stay out of the way."
— Valem commenting on MX
"The innocent are weak."
— Valem commenting on MX
"Ancient entity, disperse."
— Valem commenting on MX
"Not one of us."
— Valem commenting on MX
"Our numbers are greater."
— Valem commenting on MX

"Some forests burn."
— Valem commenting on The Forest King
"Your vessel is weak."
— Valem commenting on The Forest King
"Our numbers are stronger."
— Valem commenting on The Forest King
"You are no king."
— Valem commenting on The Forest King
"False god, disperse."
— Valem commenting on The Forest King

"Creature of radiation, join us."
— Valem commenting on Niloticus
"A sad existence."
— Valem commenting on Niloticus
"Take revenge on them all."
— Valem commenting on Niloticus
"Human creation, interesting."
— Valem commenting on Niloticus
"Such is fate."
— Valem commenting on Niloticus

"Kill them all, yellow creature."
— Valem commenting on WYST
"An interesting creature."
— Valem commenting on WYST
"So much potential, join us."
— Valem commenting on WYST
"Do you understand?"
— Valem commenting on WYST
"Yellow creature, join us."
— Valem commenting on WYST

"Kill them all, mimic."
— Valem commenting on Vita Mimic
"The humans are fitting prey."
— Valem commenting on Vita Mimic
"An Interesting creature."
— Valem commenting on Vita Mimic
"Unknown origins."
— Valem commenting on Vita Mimic
"Otherwordly creation, Intrigued."
— Valem commenting on Vita Mimic

"Purple creature, once human."
— Valem commenting on Fuwatti
— Valem commenting on Fuwatti
"Devour them."
— Valem commenting on Fuwatti
"Why are you here?"
— Valem commenting on Fuwatti

"Our power wasn't meant for you."
— Valem commenting on Inkfell
”A sad existence.”
— Valem commenting on Inkfell
”False ink being, return to us.”
— Valem commenting on Inkfell
”Take revenge, kill them.”
— Valem commenting on Inkfell
”Such is fate.”
— Valem commenting on Inkfell

"Stay out of the way."
— Valem commenting on PCX
"You are two, we are many."
— Valem commenting on PCX
"Leave this planet, false god."
— Valem commenting on PCX
"Two entities, still outnumbered."
— Valem commenting on PCX

"Your soul is tainted."
— Valem commenting on Jeffrey Woods
"A sad past, a promising future."
— Valem commenting on Jeffrey Woods
"Show us what you can do."
— Valem commenting on Jeffrey Woods
"You will join us soon."
— Valem commenting on Jeffrey Woods
"You will make a fine demon."
— Valem commenting on Jeffrey Woods


  • Valem's model was made by Froggy.
  • Valem was thought to be the only monster to break the 2 characters per media rule (with Minecraft); however, this was confirmed to not be the case.[1]
  • Valem, along with Krasue, are the only two monsters in Pillar Chase 2 to be replacing characters from the original Pillar Chase. Valem is replacing Wendigo, and Krasue is replacing HER (this is unknown as of now).
  • Valem's head structure is based off of _Boisvert.
  • Valem is the first monster to ever get an aimable M1, as well as being the first to have a chargeable M1.
    • It was thought his M1 was a projectile, however turning on hitboxes shows it is simply just a very long attack.
  • Unlike Vapor and Rosemary, Valem is not actually a human-turned-demon. Instead, he was born a demon and has always been a demon.
    • Because of this, Valem has a highly negative opinion of them both, as revealed in his Trickster's Truth quotes.
  • According to Valem's lore, there are demons higher ranked than him.
  • Valem's kill sound is sourced from the horror game Power Drill Massacre, with his M1 sounds being a cut version of the same sound.
  • During a double trouble, if another monster is near Valem when ability 2 is used, that monster will also see flashes of text on their screen about Valem commenting on whatever monster is being used. This technically makes Valem the first monster to have dialogue interactions with other monsters.
  • Valem is the first completely original monster to be added to the game. This means he does not originate from any other media, nor is inspired by or based off any other characters, unless you count the minor _Boisvert inspiration.
  • Due to his comments on Uncle Samsonite when using Trickster's Truth, it is implied that, at least in the continuity of Pillar Chase 2, that Valem and Uncle Samsonite have met before.
    • Uncle Samsonite is also the only Monster that Valem calls by their actual name throughout all of said quotes.
  • Several Trickster's Truth quotes seem to suggest that Valem considers himself a collection of entities, likely due to his ability to create clones/illusions of himself.
  • Valem is the third monster to not have a passive ability. The first being WYST and the second being Inkfell.
  • If you are playing as Valem and get Trickster's Truth quotes from another Valem, they will just be the same ones that would appear normally: Valem commenting on Survivors.
  • Valem appears to have some sort of strange sense of existential awareness, as he knows about the pasts of several monsters, as well as the unique existences of specific monsters (e.g, PCX and The Forest King).
  • Valem seems to have very strong opinions on certain human monsters, such as loathing Baldi, but taking a liking to monsters like Jeffrey Woods and Springtrap.


In-game Monsters VaporIcon28102024 Vapor · RoseiconRosemary· BaldiIcon2 Baldi · OniIcon2 Ao Oni · Image 2024-10-28 162735954The Fogborn· EXEIconv3 EXE · NewSamIcon Uncle Samsonite· SpringrapiconSpringtrap· MxnewiconMX· ForestKingIcon2The Forest King · NiloticusNewIcon Niloticus · WYSTIcon WYST · NewmicVita Mimic · FuwaIcon Fuwatti · InkfellIngameIcon Inkfell PillarXIcon 3 PCX · JeffIcon 2 Jeffrey Woods · ValemIcon2 Valem · ZombiefaceZombie
Upcoming Monsters Slendering my tubby Stricken · Newdawg The Dog · A01tempicon A01 · Artelurr zoomed2 Artelurr · Lamb placeholder 2 The Lamb · SlenderIcon Slenderman · ServantGruntIconM Servant Grunt · GorefieldIconPlaceholder Gorefield · KrasueIconM Krasue · WitchIconM The Witch · SuitmationIcon Suitmations · SmileDogIconM Smile Dog · Mother Icon Mother · ClockworkKeeperPlaceholderIcon The Clockwork Keeper · Probably PhantoVenators Icon Phantovenator · Placeholdericonforshadow Shadowborne · Palunofficalicon2 Pal Percy · Tempicon Tricky The Clown
Unconfirmed Monsters The Host Icon The Host Of Influence · Sin placeholder icon Sin · Deerclopsunofficalicon Deerclops · Monsterunofficalicon Monster · HerTempIcon HER
Scrapped Monsters SirenTease Siren Head · MichaelIconM Michael Davies · Woof icon Fallen Wolf
Developer Monsters S1n placeholder icon SINWRATH · Asset423 Icon Asset-423 · Loona & Sunny Placeholder Icon Loona & Sunny · ScribblePlaceholderIcon Scribble · Placeholder Kansen Icon Kansen · GrimbearIcon Grimbear
  1. Miner