Pillar Chase 2 Wiki

Mimics only feed on humans, which they hunt down with almost complete ease. If you see one standing completely still ignoring your presence, leave the area immediately.
— Info upon release.
Stalking it's prey.
— Last Survivor Standing
You will not go to waste.
— Death Quote

The Mimic, known in-game as Vita Mimic, is the thirteenth monster in Pillar Chase 2. It is a species of fleshy humanoid creatures that stalks and eats humans. It originates from the analog horror series Vita Carnis, created by Darian Quilloy. It can be unlocked for 1500 coins in the shop. (Previously 1931 before the Black Friday Event's conclusion). He was released on August 2nd, 2024.


The Mimic is a creature made out of meat, the creature itself will feast on humans and is regarded as a humanoid monster that feasts on humans, known for its stealth abilities and quick killings. It's known as an apex predator that hunts to eat.


Vita Mimic is humanoid in shape, displaying a thin and elongated body with the appearance of a human lacking any skin. It has human-like teeth, but bears more than the average human and lacks any type of tooth other than incisors. It's hands are very long, reaching down to its calves. There's bits of sharpened flesh and bone on the end of each finger, resembling claws. It possesses two very large eyes, with white sclera and black pupils. These eyes are also very dilated with the pupil almost entirely blocking view of the sclera. It has no nose, instead having an exposed nasal cavity. There are also sections of exposed bone distributed randomly across its body.


Vita Mimic has 100 Stamina, 21 Sprint Speed, and deals 15-30 DMG per hit (25-40 to lone players). With good stamina, low stamina drain, and a speed slightly slower than a player's, Vita Mimic is a decent chaser, but isn't the most reliable without the buffs from its abilities. Its main weakness is that its footsteps are normally very loud and it has very low damage at the start of the game. It has two abilities: Elder Ascension and Animalistic Instinct. The former allows you to become virtually unnoticeable, temporarily shrugging off most of its usual weaknesses, while the latter not only helps it locate players, but also deal extra damage to them.

Keybind Name Ability Description Effect
Passive Advanced Hunter
Mimic Meter
With every kill, Vita Mimic's damage will be increased by 4; this damage increase has a maximum cap of 30 total damage. It will also deal 10 extra damage to a target that is alone. Vita Mimic's vision is naturally darker than other monsters'. Buffs your damage, makes maps darker.
M1 M1
Mimic M1
Vita Mimic swipes it's arms in front of it, dealing damage based on the fullness of the damage bar. Deals damage to players.
1 Elder Ascension
Elder Ascension (Gif)
When pressing 1, Vita Mimic will pose menacingly and screech, becoming darker and slightly transparent for 22 seconds. While in this state, all of its idle sounds are muted except for its footsteps, which are only very muffled, and its movement speed is dramatically increased. If Vita Mimic attacks or the Elder Ascension meter depletes, it will leave the state and the effects will end. This ability has a cooldown of 31 seconds. Grants a variety of buffs until attacking.
2 Animalistic Instinct
Animalistic Instinct (Gif)
When Pressing 2, Vita Mimic stalls while making a low humming noise, outlining players in its line of sight or within 58 studs. Hitting a player who is outlined applies a bleeding effect to them. This ability has a cooldown of 16 seconds. Outlines players and applies Bleed.


Audio Audio Description Audio Information
*Chewing* *Teeth chatter* Plays in the intro.
*Breathing* Idle/moving sound effects.
*Hit* Plays when attacking.
*Wet Splat 2* Plays when walking/running.
*Wet Splat 1* Plays when walking/running.
*Screech* Plays when using Elder Ascension.
*Woosh* Plays when Elder Ascension ends.
*Low ringing* *Sniffing* Plays when using Animalistic Instinct.
*Low ringing* *Breathing* *Chewing* Plays when killing a survivor.

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
*Groaning* Plays in the intro.
*Groaning* Idle/moving sound effect.
*Groaning* Idle/moving sound effect.
*Groan* Plays when attacking.
*Deep groan* Plays when using Elder Ascension.
*Groan* Plays when Elder Ascension ends.
*Groan* *Lightning* *Groan* Plays when using Animalistic Instinct.
*Sword Unsheathe and Lunge Sound Effect* *Ouch!* *Victory Sound Effect* Plays when killing a survivor.

Audio Audio Description Audio Information
*Wet muffled chewing sounds* *Low growl* Plays in the intro.
File:LankyIdle.ogg *Breathing* Idle/moving sound effects.
*Screech* Plays when using Elder Ascension.
*Bones breaking* *Growl* *Chewing* Plays when killing a survivor.

Other Information[]

Beastiary Entry:

"Beastiary Entry will be added when released"


When you die to Vita Mimic, it will say:
"You will not go to waste."
The color of this message is dark red.


"Stalking its prey."
— Last Survivor Standing
"Don't fight back; flee."
— Level 12 Last Survivor Standing Quote
"An easy target is left behind."
— Level 40 Last Survivor Standing Quote
"A feast for the prince begins."
— Level 75 Last Survivor Standing Quote
"Closing in on its prey."
— Removed Last Survivor Standing Quote

"Kill them all, mimic."
Valem commenting on Vita Mimic
"The humans are fitting prey."
Valem commenting on Vita Mimic
"Interesting creature."
Valem commenting on Vita Mimic
"Unknown origins."
Valem commenting on Vita Mimic
"Otherwordly creation. Intrigued."
Valem commenting on Vita Mimic


  • Vita Mimic's model was made by Rawalc.
  • Vita Mimic's unused model is seen in some of its skins.
  • Vita Mimic was originally set to be the ninth monster of the game, but due to slow development, it was replaced by MX.
    • This was an on-going gag as it was replaced 3 more times by The Forest King, WYST and Niloticus. However, after Niloticus' gameplay was shown by TheBladeNinja, Vita Mimic had its gameplay shown, confirming it would be the next monster after Niloticus.
    • Due to this, Vita Mimic is exceptionally the most delayed monster in Pillar Chase 2, reaching certain number of months.
  • Specification of "Vita" in its in-game name was a decision made due to the possibility of other characters named "Mimic" joining the game, examples being the characters from The Mimic (A fellow Roblox horror game) and Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach.
    • These are highly noted to have a very slim chance, with the game not getting any collaborations and the FNaF Franchise having a possible copyright.
    • However, it is named "Vita Mimic" to reference the name of it's original franchise, Being Vita Carnis.
  • After Vita Mimic’s intro, where it eats the corpse of the player's avatar, the corpse does not disappear, and instead stays the whole round where the intro played.
    • Said intro is a reference to Faith: The Unholy Trinity; specifically, the scene where Michael is eating an innocent bystander.[1]
    • Vita Mimic is the second Monster to feature the player using it.
      • The first monster to do this is Ao Oni.
      • The third monster to do this is PCX
      • You could count Zombie as the fourth monster to do this.
  • Vita Mimic's scientific name is Translated in Latin for Butchered Meat (info).
  • Vita Mimic’s previous cost of 1931 is a reference to the year that the Crawl appeared on Earth, which are the origin of Vita Mimic and the other members of the Vita Carnis family in the series of the same name.
  • Vita Mimic is one of four monsters that have a confirmed genus name, the other three being Niloticus, The Host Of Influence, and Phantovenator.
  • Vita Mimic's design in the game is not based on the 1st video of the Mimic but rather the promo of the Trimming plush
  • Vita Mimic is the first monster from an analog horror series.
  • Vita Mimic is one of six monsters who don't have their own banner yet, the others being Rosemary, Fuwatti, WYST, Inkfell, and PCX.
  • Vita Mimic is the skinniest monster in the game.
  • In Vita Carnis, due to Mimics copying humans in the series, Vita Mimic had 5 fingers per hand, but in Pillar Chase 2, the Mimic has 4 fingers per hand instead.
  • Vita Mimic's pose before turning transparent with Elder Ascension is a reference to the original analog horror series, showcasing an illustration of an Elder Mimic in the same pose.
  • Vita Mimic was the only monster in the game that did not receive a skin for the Halloween 2024 event.
  • Vita Mimic is one of the 6 monsters that have a space in their name. The other 5 being Ao Oni, The Fogborn, Uncle Samsonite, The Forest King, and Jeffrey Woods.
  • Vita Mimic has the lowest base damage in the game, with 15 damage if you aren’t killing anybody.
  • Vita Mimic is tied with Vapor and PCX for having the most icon changes, all of which having 4.
  • Vita Mimic was the first new monster to be playable in public testing.
  • Vita Mimic is the first monster in the game to share a passive with another monster. Both it and Jeffrey Woods passively make the map darker.


  1. Image 2024-08-17 155043674
In-game Monsters VaporIcon28102024 Vapor · RoseiconRosemary· BaldiIcon2 Baldi · OniIcon2 Ao Oni · Image 2024-10-28 162735954The Fogborn· EXEIconv3 EXE · NewSamIcon Uncle Samsonite· SpringrapiconSpringtrap· MxnewiconMX· ForestKingIcon2The Forest King · NiloticusNewIcon Niloticus · WYSTIcon WYST · NewmicVita Mimic · FuwaIcon Fuwatti · InkfellIngameIcon Inkfell PillarXIcon 3 PCX · JeffIcon 2 Jeffrey Woods · ValemIcon2 Valem · ZombiefaceZombie
Upcoming Monsters Slendering my tubby Stricken · Newdawg The Dog · A01tempicon A01 · Artelurr zoomed2 Artelurr · Lamb placeholder 2 The Lamb · SlenderIcon Slenderman · ServantGruntIconM Servant Grunt · GorefieldIconPlaceholder Gorefield · KrasueIconM Krasue · WitchIconM The Witch · SuitmationIcon Suitmations · SmileDogIconM Smile Dog · Mother Icon Mother · ClockworkKeeperPlaceholderIcon The Clockwork Keeper · Probably PhantoVenators Icon Phantovenator · Placeholdericonforshadow Shadowborne · Palunofficalicon2 Pal Percy · Tempicon Tricky The Clown
Unconfirmed Monsters The Host Icon The Host Of Influence · Sin placeholder icon Sin · Deerclopsunofficalicon Deerclops · Monsterunofficalicon Monster · HerTempIcon HER
Scrapped Monsters SirenTease Siren Head · MichaelIconM Michael Davies · Woof icon Fallen Wolf
Developer Monsters S1n placeholder icon SINWRATH · Asset423 Icon Asset-423 · Loona & Sunny Placeholder Icon Loona & Sunny · ScribblePlaceholderIcon Scribble · Placeholder Kansen Icon Kansen · GrimbearIcon Grimbear